Use of hormones in sport

Testosterone Enanthate is one of the most widely used anabolic steroids of all time for both performance enhancement and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Testosterone enanthate is the most widely used testosterone in the world by novice and professional athletes.

Testosterone enanthate is one of the most versatile anabolic androgenic steroids as it is suitable for almost any purpose. As the demand for this hormone is very high, testosterone enanthate is one of the most affordable anabolic steroids.

General notions about testosterone enanthate

Testosterone is responsible for many functions and aspects of the human body, both physical and mental, and when levels fall below the optimal range, a man can be seriously affected. By its very nature pure testosterone, enanthate exhibits many signs of increasing nitrogen retention and protein synthesis, thus aiding in tissue growth and regeneration and preservation in a equal measure.

Benefits of Testosterone Enanthate Solo

Using testosterone enanthate solo and boosting your testosterone levels has created a perfect playground for mass and strength gain. In addition, our overall metabolic efficiency is increased, allowing us to more effectively lose excess fat or slim our figure.

Equally important, enanatate will dramatically improve our ability to recover, and for an athlete this is very important because it is in the recovery process that progress is made. Testosterone protects and preserves lean tissue, especially when calories are scarce and fat is being burned. Not only are muscle tissues protected, but as our metabolism also improves overall, we get a nicer physique as a result.


Genotropin stimulates muscle growth, accelerates the burning of fatty tissue, increases the stress tolerance of the muscular system, contributes to injury prevention and accelerates rehabilitation after operations and injuries. The anabolic effect of Genotropin is achieved with the participation of insulin-like growth factor. Muscle protein synthesis is enhanced, and satellite cell division, growth and differentiation are initiated.

Effects of Genotropin

The popularity of growth hormone in sports is due to its powerful anabolic and lipolytic potential. An improvement in the blood lipid profile is observed during the course of growth hormone, the concentration of HDL increases, the level of LDL decreases.

Anabolic effect

Key effects in sports:

  • Increase in volume and mass of skeletal muscles;
  • Reduction in the percentage of visceral and subcutaneous fat;
  • Development of maximum strength, increase in endurance;
  • Improved body composition;
  • Strengthening muscle depth and definition.

The effects of growth hormone on cartilage, joints, tendons and ligaments as well as bone tissue are highly valued in strength sports. Genotropin improves the metabolic activity of cartilage tissue, stimulating the proliferation of partially determined chondrogenic cells, accelerating the formation of new cellular elements and the synthesis of components of the intercellular matrix.

Genotropin promotes the mineralization of the organic matrix of the bone, increases its mineral density and prevents the development of osteoporosis and pathological fractures. In addition, growth hormone has a rejuvenating effect, strengthens hair and nails and noticeably improves the condition of the skin.

Genotropin and other preparations for muscle mass gain can be selected on the sports pharmacy website. The online catalog includes the most commonly used steroids, which will help you achieve the best possible results.

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