Using Game Theory to Promote Fairness and Overcome Bullies: New Strategies Revealed!

2023-06-30 02:35:31

Game theory is a branch of mathematics that studies strategic interactions. The most famous example is the prisoner’s dilemma, in which two separate prisoners must decide independently whether to cooperate and face minor consequences, or betray the other for potential personal gain, risking severe consequences if both choose to betray. New Dartmouth Nerds, published in Nexus PNAS, use game theory to develop “tough strategies” for overcoming bullies. Strategies in the study, such as the Memory-one PSO Gambler, WSLS, and Zero Determinant, shift the dynamic toward fairness and cooperation, even in the face of players trying to take advantage of others. From “Inflexible gamblers who choose not to be blackmailed may fight back by refusing to fully cooperate,” said Chen, now an assistant professor at the university. They also give up some of their own winnings, but the blackmailer loses more.” university. and communications. “Our work shows that when confronted with an inflexible player, the blackmailer’s best response is to offer a fair split, thus ensuring equal gains for both parties,” she said. “In other words, fairness and cooperation can be promoted and enforced by inflexible actors.” … “The practical idea of ​​our work is that the weaker parties are adamant and resist being the first to concede, thus turning the interaction into an ultimatum game in which extortionists are incentivized to be more fair and cooperative to avoid ‘losing’ situations,” says Fu.
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