Vacations: find out the benefits that rest provides for your health

2023-12-11 05:00:19

Can’t wait for the year to end so you can take a dip in the sea or take a quick trip? Traveling on vacation should be seen not only as a desire, but as a necessity.

The benefits brought by breaks are important for balancing the body, allowing the person to rest from daily stress and add experiences to their repertoire such as living in new places and interacting with other cultures, which act as stimulants for the brain.

“Moments of stillness allow the body to go through a kind of “restart”, returning the balance of stress hormones”, explains neuroscientist Ana Carolina Souza, partner at the consultancy Nêmesis, in Rio de Janeiro.

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The expert points out that the “restart” of the brain is only achieved when the recess lasts for a long period, preferably a minimum of two weeks. “When taking breaks on long weekends, there is an improvement, but we don’t have the same effect. Studies have already shown that only those who take periodic and long vacations can increase their life expectancy,” she says.

In addition to providing rest, vacations stimulate the brain when associated with travel.

The benefit of travel

In addition to the opportunity to take a break from your routine, traveling on vacation brings benefits to the brain. Along with interrupting stress cycles, there is the possibility of stimulating learning, getting to know new things and experiencing activities that are relaxing and enjoyable at the same time.

“The brain learns from experience, when coming into contact with new places, people and things. However, you don’t have to spend a fortune to travel to another country and be able to exercise this. You can experience this in the neighborhood, going to a restaurant, reading a book”, explains Ana Carolina Souza.

The most important thing about vacations, for the neurologist, therefore, is not the chosen destination or the number of days that will be spent, but rather the ability to disconnect from the work routine and allow oneself to be idle.

“The human body works best when experiencing cycles of emotions, when exposed to stress and calm, when having small variations in heartbeat. Often, however, we live in continuous cycles of stress and worries, so relaxing should be a goal and a learning experience for everyone”, he concludes.

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