Valve’s Stance on AI-Assisted Content Generation and Copyright Regulations: What Game Developers Need to Know

2023-07-04 15:13:15

Steam is already an important platform for most game developers to choose to provide PC games. Recently, some game developers said that they received Valve’s refusal to release games that use AI to create or assist in generating content, and cannot prove that they have copyright. After many discussions, Valve made a statement Ren responded through foreign media, emphasizing the importance of “copyright and regulations”. It is rumored that games with AI content cannot be put on the shelves. Steam Valve stated through foreign media that the core of the problem lies in “copyright and regulations”. The cause of the incident has been mentioned by game developers. Received a reply from Valve, stating that the game cannot be released without confirming whether the developer owns the copyright of the data using AI technology. Later, there were more and more discussions about the launch of AI-assisted content-generated games. After all, on Steam, you can still see games with characters, stories, and dubbing all generated by AI, such as “This Girl Does Not Exist”. Therefore, Steam is the main platform for games to be put on the shelves, and Valve’s attitude towards this kind of game with AI-assisted content generation is very important to game developers. ▲The source of the picture Later, the spokesperson of Valve finally reported their position to the overseas media PC Gamer and IGN. They did not respond directly to the individual case. They mainly stated that Valve did not prevent the use of such AI-assisted content on the Steam platform. On the contrary, they actively try to integrate such content into a more complete review process, and keep in touch with the ever-changing copyright laws and policies in reality. As for the AI ​​​​currently used to assist in generating content, it is difficult for developers to prove that they have sufficient ownership of the training model data, such as images, text, and music, and the relevant regulations are still in place. Therefore, whether the game has the required The developer still needs to bear the relevant responsibility for the appropriate copyright. This also seems to indicate that Valve’s attitude is to continue to adjust the review process, and developers still need to bear the responsibility of avoiding copyright infringement when using AI content at this stage. Although AI creation or assisted content generation has gradually penetrated into everyone’s life, the data used to train AI is often not necessarily authorized enough or only limited authorization, and the law is not yet complete, so it is natural to be burdened when using this type of AI creation. more responsibility. It’s just that there is still a lot of room for ambiguity and adjustment in this kind of copyright review. Game developers may be able to speed up some mechanized processes through AI, but if it is presented in specific content, it may still need to think more. Of course, in the end, it’s all about the platform. Calculate. PC Gamer Report IGN Report
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