Vegetables to increase muscle mass, tone muscles and protect joints

modern life

Exercise should be performed on a regular basis, so that the muscle rests, recovers, and thus grows.


According to the American Heart Association (AHA), exercise is vital for the body because it improves health, since doing at least 150 minutes of aerobic physical activity a week —including routine , strength exercises—strengthens muscles and aims to improve endurance.

The European Food Information Council (Eufic) specifies that aerobic exercise is a resistance activity that requires many muscles. This is corroborated by the National Library of Medicine of the United States (MedlinePlus) which ensures that this type of routine causes “the heart to pump blood faster and with greater force than normal”, which seeks the well-being of the heart and HDL cholesterol.

For his part, health 180 ensures that the consumption of vegetables such as spinach or broccoli are favorable for toning muscles, increasing muscle mass and caring for joints.

It is from here that, to burn fat and increase muscle mass you must have not only appropriate physical routines, but also a balanced eating plan rich in protein. However, you must exercise regularly, so that the muscle rests, recovers, and thus grows, this is called hypertrophy, he adds. Thy Health.

Foods that support joints and tone muscles

As mentioned later, these foods are favorable for toning muscles, increasing muscle mass, and protecting joints. However, it is recommended to consult with a health professional to include them in a balanced diet.

In addition, he points out that they have an antioxidant effect that fights free radicals, preventing premature aging. Meanwhile, they are foods rich in vitamin K, which, as the Office of Dietary Supplements of the National Institutes of Health points out, is an important nutrient for the bone system and for the bloodstream. Meanwhile, health 180 ensures that the consumption of asparagus helps to increase muscle mass.

According to an article published by Better with Health, written by Elisa Morales, explains that the folate contained in this vegetable contributes to the prevention of the onset of Alzheimer’s, which does not mean that it eliminates the chances of developing cognitive impairment, but rather that it reduces them. Consequently, its compounds help develop effective muscle growth.

According to the portal bodymind, cress is an aquatic plant that grows in rivers. However, there are other types that are grown on the ground or in gardens; ensuring that vitamin C helps fight scurvy.

Not only that, it is an ally to counteract anemia, a quality that is not so mentioned in watercress, having a contribution of minerals such as iron, sodium, phosphorus and iodine.

Watercress has proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin A, carotenes, lutein, vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, according to Thy Health.

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