Venezuelan opposition ratifies commitment to achieve “true independence”

Caracas, July 5. The Venezuelan opposition grouped in the Unitary Platform ratified on Tuesday its commitment to “achieve true independence” in Venezuela, on the occasion that this July 5 marks the 211th anniversary of the signing of the Act of Declaration of Independence of the oil country.

In a statement released on its website, the anti-Chavista coalition insisted on its “commitment to a united struggle in favor of ensuring that true independence reaches our country hand in hand with a vigorous citizen movement that, in the exercise of the majority that demands change , achieve through democratic means open the door to freedom and a future of opportunities”.

He insisted that Venezuelans are “increasingly dependent on all levels” and that issues such as food sovereignty or political independence “have become hollow phrases far removed from reality.”

In this order, anti-Chavismo advocated a Venezuela with “full” food production and guarantees in the exercise of rights such as freedom of expression or work, among others.

“We dream of the return of millions of compatriots to our country full of hope and eager to continue building a Venezuela of opportunities. We are committed to plural international relations without tutelage or economic or political blackmail of any symbol. We defend territorial integrity,” it reads. the writing.

Finally, the Unitarian Platform invited Venezuelans to be part of the “new independence” of Venezuela. EFE


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