Very, very FAST mounts…but temporary – World of Warcraft

With Mists of Pandaria, players had the opportunity to experience super fast but temporary mounts. Even having played in Pandaria, you may very well have missed these rather special objects. I suggest you take a look at these rather amusing mounts, especially since some of you are wandering around the continent to take advantage of theincreased drop rate rare mounts.

The list is not exhaustive, do not hesitate to talk about any similar items you may have 😉

oddly shaped horn

  • Summons a sungrass behemoth that can be used as a mount but remains rambunctious. He is very, VERY fast. (3 sec cooldown)
  • Drope on Sungraze Behemoth in the Jade Forest.

Ash Covered Horn

  • Toy
  • Summons a furious Ashhide Mushan that can be used as a mount but remains uncontrollable. He is very, VERY fast. Can only be used on the Timeless Isle. (1 min cooldown).
  • Drope on the Isle of Timeless Elites: High Priest of Ordos, Eternal Furnace Master, Molten Guardian, and Firebound Chanter.

bag of kafa beans

  • Summons a goat that can be used as a mount but is under the effects of kafa. She is very, VERY fast. (3 sec cooldown)
  • Drope on Zhing at Kun-Lai Summit.

tuft of yak hair

  • Summons a rampaging yak. This mount is very, VERY fast. (3 sec cooldown)
  • Primarily drops from Pengsong Elite in the Dread Wastes, but also much more rarely randomly from Timeless Isle Elites or Rares: Ironfur Grandyack, Ironfur Steel Horn, Deadly Asp, and Shining Windfeather .

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