Victorious Taiwanese Combination Lin Yunru and Chen Siyu Clinch the WTT Muscat Challenge Mixed Doubles Championship

2023-10-13 20:05:00

Sweep the Hangzhou Asian GamesbilliardsMixed doubles “round tour” haze, Taiwanese combinationLin YunruandChen SiyuIn the early morning of the WTT Muscat Challenge Mixed Doubles final, they defeated Japan’s new generation combination Miwa Harimoto and Terukora Matsushima 3-1, winning their second championship this season.

After Lin Yunru and Chen Siyu suffered a defeat at the Asian Games in Hangzhou and an upset defeat in the first match of Mixed Doubles, they moved forward to the World Table Tennis Professional League (WTT) Muscat Challenge held in Oman this week, passing all the way and reaching the final. , this is also the third time this season that the two have reached the mixed doubles finals after the Tunisia Challenge and the Almaty Challenge.

Lin Yunru and Chen Siyu faced the Japanese combination of Miwa Harimoto and Terukora Matsushima in the final. Their opponents were only 15 and 16 years old respectively. Despite their young age, they defeated another group of experienced world No. 2 in the quarterfinals. Japanese combination Hayata Hina and Harimoto Tomokazu, and Harimoto Miwa is the sister of Harimoto Tomokazu.

Lin Yunru and Chen Siyu started the mixed doubles final strongly with 6-1 today. Although they were once chased to 2 points by their opponents, Lin Yunru then launched a strong forehand attack, and the opponent was slightly impatient. The Taiwanese team took the opportunity to lead 11-7. Chi Depoint.

The Taiwanese team once led 10-7 in the second game, but missed many opportunities and allowed their opponents to catch up. The Taiwanese team lost the second game 16-18.

Fortunately, the morale of the Taiwan team was not greatly affected, and they then won the third game 11-8. In the fourth game, after falling behind 3-4, they closed the door with an 8-0 offensive, and finally won 11-4. Win.

Lin Yunru and Chen Siyu won their second championship this season together. This is also their third Gold Cup since they partnered in September last year.

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