Video captured the moment when a girl threw her 4-year-old friend into a well

A security camera recorded the moment when a game between two children aged 7 and 4 almost ended in tragedy after the largest He threw his little friend into a well. The events occurred in a village in China.

The video, which has gone viral and alarms parents and caregivers, shows when the two little ones are playing in the street, but at one point the girl carries her friend and takes him to a well. The little boy tries to hold on, but the girl lets go of his arms, making him fall.

The boy’s screams alerted the community that immediately came to his rescue. Fortunately, they took him out safe and sound after 10 minutes, reported media such as South China Morning Post.

The events happened on March 8, however, the images were only revealed a few days ago. According to the Songming County Police, in Yunnan province, the girl said that she was imitating the plot of a TV show.

Moments after the boy fell into the well, almost 5 meters deep, in the video you can see the girl walking around before leaving the place.

The child could have drowned, as the well had about two meters of water. According to the South China Morning Post, the minor’s grandmother went to the site after going out in search of her grandson and letting herself be carried away by her voice.

According to the aforementioned media, the woman sought the help of a young man and they tied a rope around her waist, which allowed her to descend to rescue the child.

The boy listened to his grandmother’s suggestion to stay still and float in the water. The young man soon saved himanother woman told the Beijing News.

Due to what happened, the little boy suffered a slight cold and cough, since he inhaled a little water, but he was taken to a care center where he was checked and gave a good report of health.

The children’s families are neighbors and they used to play together.

To apologize for what had happened, the girl’s family gave the other family a sum of money and some food.

The girl is aware that she has done something wrong. Both children are still young and have little safety awareness,” an official stated.

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