Video shows moment when cell phone explodes inside clinic in Paran

The monitoring system of a clinic in Paranavaí, in the northwest of Paraná, recorded the moment when a cell phone exploded and was completely destroyed. The establishment reported that, fortunately, no one was injured in the incident.

The images show a woman holding her cell phone in the clinic’s waiting room. Suddenly smoke starts to come out of the device and the people who were nearby leave the place. The cell phone owner plays the device on the ground and run away.

See video of the explosion below:

In an interview with the g1 portal, electromechanical technician Hudison de Oliveira explained that a mechanical shock may have caused the insulating material to break, which means that the chemical elements of the battery do not have contact with each other.

Still according to the technician, in addition to mechanical shocks, such as a fall for example, several reasons that can cause this break, including the misuse of the device or the use of chargers that are not recommended for the cell phone.

“Each battery receives a type of energy. We have common energy in the sockets. The charger changes the energy specifically for that battery. If I put a different charger there will definitely be a problem, because that battery is not prepared for that type of energy ,” Hudson explained.

To prevent more serious accidents in cases of firelike what happened at the clinic in Paranavaí, the Fire Department advises people to avoid sleeping near a cell phone connected to the socket, considering that fires have occurred.

And you, have you ever been through a similar situation? Let us know in the comments down below!

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