Viral | He found a drunk woman on the street who “could barely walk” and her reaction became a trend | Twitter | nnda nnrt | CHEK

The story of a user who found a totally drunk young woman in the middle of the night on a street in Buenos Aires, Argentina, became and Twitter.

According to Internet user Tomi, identified as @ tomisosa98 on the aforementioned social network, the episode occurred last weekend. At around 4 in the morning, he came across a girl “who literally couldn’t even walk on her feet.” He approached her to ask if she needed help from her and she asked him to accompany her to her house, located a few blocks away.

When they arrived, the woman invited him in, but the young man told her that he would wait for her on the corner. “As I saw that I couldn’t get in, I approached him and asked him if he didn’t have a key, to which he told me that he didn’t have one”counted.

Although they tried to knock on the door because their sister was supposedly in the apartment, no one answered. The minutes passed and Tomi asked the girl again to go through her things to see if she didn’t have her key. He went back to look for it and, sure enough, he did have it in her bag.

Although the woman took a few more minutes to enter the elevator, she was able to enter her home thanks to the young man’s help.

“If I didn’t arrive, if a car picked her up, if anything else happened, I don’t know what could happen to her, or where she could end up”wrote the author of the thread that went viral with more than 100 thousand ‘likes’.

Hours later, Tomi said that he was able to contact the sister of the young woman he helped. “Her sister told me that she had had a fight with her boyfriend and the guy let her go alone in that state. Let’s not be like that. There is no fight that justifies letting another person go alone and less so in that state. Let’s accompany because there are crazy people everywhere. Let’s take care of each other”he explained.

Although some users questioned whether the story told by the user is real, the young man shared screenshots of the conversation with the sister of the affected person, in which he asks about his status.

How to act before a drunk person

To explain what should be done in the event of being in the presence of a person presenting symptoms of alcohol intoxication, the Spanish Society of Emergency and Emergency Medicine published a series of tips to take into account.

To do

  • Prevent you from falling if you are standing or walking.
  • Protect your environment and prevent you from consuming more alcohol.
  • If vomiting and the person is standing up, try to keep their head down. If he is lying down, place him on his side to prevent him from inhaling in case of vomiting.
  • Keep him warm to avoid hypothermia (low body temperature) that can be aggravated by the effect of alcohol.
  • Talk to him calmly to prevent him from getting upset. If the intoxicated person notices a serene and calm environment, he will be too.
  • Try to prevent him from falling asleep by pinching his cheeks or patting his face.

what not to do

  • Do not give him anything to drink, nor home remedies such as coffee with salt or similar.
  • Do not induce vomiting or encourage him to do so (in these conditions the reflexes are diminished and he could aspirate his vomit).
  • Do not leave him alone until he reaches an adequate level of consciousness, since a person with acute alcohol intoxication will gradually recover, depending on the amount of alcohol ingested.

If they do not respond to stimuli, the intoxicated person should be placed lying on the floor and on their side, so as to avoid inhaling their vomit.

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