Visit to a ranch in Montana

Some men who were impressed by “Bonanza” and “Winnetou” as boys are now buying second or third homes in America’s Northwest. With horses, pistols and bear sprays, they pursue their idea of ​​free life there – a few broken ribs cannot always be avoided.

“It doesn’t make you a cowboy if you swap your fancy $3,000 suit for jeans, a western shirt and boots once you’ve landed on a private jet for the weekend,” notes a ranch manager in Montana.

Andrey Rudakov / Bloomberg

It rarely happens to you as a frequent flyer that you can’t exactly locate your destination, don’t even know how to pronounce the name correctly – welcome to Kalispell. But one understands the ignorance as a distinction. As a foretaste of what is likely to happen on the journey to the final frontier. Or at least in the American Northwest, where it’s still wild. In other words, wild but chic, after all, numerous celebrities have bought third, fourth or fifth homes in the area, and there should also be a Wi-Fi connection.

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