Vitamin D Deficiency and Rotator Cuff Tear: Impact on Muscle Atrophy and Inflammation

2023-09-04 22:19:00

[현대건강신문] Konkuk University Hospital Orthopedic Surgery Professor Jeong Seok-won’s team found that vitamin D deficiency in rotator cuff patients can affect muscle atrophy, fatty degeneration, and inflammation-related factors, further accelerating the inflammatory response of ruptured muscles.

Vitamin D deficiency is common enough to reach 14% of the total population and is known to be related to △muscular atrophy △lower immune function.

Given that vitamin D deficiency is a common symptom in rotator cuff tear patients, the research team analyzed how vitamin D deficiency affects muscle gene expression changes in rotator cuff tear patients.

Professor Seok-Won Jung’s team studied 12 patients with rotator cuff tear and vitamin D deficiency, and 12 patients with similar age, sex, and degree of rotator cuff tear to this patient group, but with sufficient vitamin D. We analyzed changes in gene △protein expression.

As a result, it was found that vitamin D deficiency had a significant effect on the muscular atrophy of the deltoid muscle, but it was confirmed to have a greater effect on the expression of inflammation than on the muscular atrophy of the rotator cuff.

Professor Jeong Seok-won said, “This result is the first study to show that vitamin D deficiency in rotator cuff tear patients can further accelerate the inflammatory response of the torn muscle, resulting in pain and functional decline.”

Professor Jeong Seok-won added, “In the case of rotator cuff tear patients with vitamin D deficiency, supplementation with vitamin D will help improve shoulder symptoms and restore function.”

The study was published in the August issue of the American Journal of Sports Medicine, a renowned international orthopedic journal.

#Medical #announcement…Vitamin #deficiency #accelerates #ruptured #rotator #cuff #inflammation #Hyundai #Health #Newspaper

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