VP-Mahrer ad homeless shelters: Important immediate measure, now long-term solutions

2023-08-12 13:13:04

City Council Hacker and FSW react to the People’s Party’s proposal – but a comprehensive evaluation of the social concepts for the homeless in Vienna is needed

Vienna (OTS) Shortly following the third knife attack in a row on a homeless person and one day following the concrete demand of the Vienna People’s Party, City Councilor Hacker has now made a decision and is making new overnight accommodations available in the Obdach Josi day center from this evening via the Vienna Social Fund.

“We welcome the short-term measures, because the situation for the affected homeless people was neither safe nor humane. Now more extensive measures are needed to offer the people affected decent prospects and accommodation in the long term,” said the state party chairman of the Vienna People’s Party, City Councilor Karl Mahrer .

The People’s Party has already presented 5 points that can be used to start a comprehensive evaluation and adapt care for the homeless to the current challenges:

  • Checking the number of suitable accommodation places
  • Significantly more visible presence of social work in public space and around the clock
  • Actively offering shelter instead of “managing homelessness”
  • Flexible adaptation to the current situation
  • More social work staff

“We need a holistic, humane social concept for the homeless in Vienna – we offer City Councilor Hacker our constructive cooperation here too,” Mahrer concludes.

Questions & contact:

The Vienna People’s Party
Press & Communication
01/515 43 230

#VPMahrer #homeless #shelters #Important #measure #longterm #solutions

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