War in Ukraine: Daria left Waterloo to pick up her family in Ukraine

Daria Ahlbach lives in Waterloo, she is of Ukrainian origin. She still has many cousins, uncles and aunts in Ukraine, from the kyiv region. A family for which she has never ceased to worry since the beginning of the war. “In the absence of being able to help them immediately, I had organized a whole collection of donationsshe says. And then my family contacted me saying: ‘Daria, please come and get women and children, because there is bombardment everywhere and we absolutely have to get them out of there.’

Daria then decides to take the road towards Vinitsya, in the south-west of Ukraine, where part of her family has managed to take refuge. A route of 2200 km, which will bring it to the borders of the European Union. “We left so quickly, without preparing, that we didn’t even think about this famous ‘roaming’says Daria. And I know that when I leave European roaming, I no longer know how to send SMS, I no longer know how to call… And so before returning to Moldova, I said goodbye to everyone because I didn’t know if i would come back.

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