Warning! Too much vitamin B6, nerve inflammation It is recommended not to exceed 10 milligrams per day.

Low thyroid function, HIV infection infection with certain bacteria until syphilis Immune disease disease that has been created Abnormal bone marrow protein (monoclonal gammopathy), lymphoma, and drug toxicity, including cancer chemotherapy, heavy metal poisoning, pesticides organophosphorus
The usual daily intake of vitamin B6 ranges from 0.5 to 1 milligram.

1.3 mg in children and adolescents and adults, 1.7 mg in men over 50, and 0.5 mg in women over 50.

in general, in order not to complicate for adults women or men The overall dosage is 1.9 milligrams per day. For people who are really elderly The dosage can be higher but should not exceed 10 mg per day.

The mechanism of vitamin B6 toxicity is also dose dependent. and duration of eating It is possible that with enzyme inhibition pyridoxal-5-phosphate dependent enzymes
In many countries such as Australia The use of vitamin B complex and B6 has been closely monitored, with the dosage of vitamin B6 in all products reduced from 200 mg daily to no more than 100 mg daily in adults. and reduced size in children

As of August 5, 2022, for example, of the 32 reported cases, 22 were confirmed with elevated blood levels. and 21 took vitamin B6 at a daily dose of 50 mg or less. In nine cases, a combination of products containing vitamin B6 was found to have been used.

and with such side effects All products containing doses of B6 above 10 mg per day must be clearly labeled. about the dangers that may arise from nerve inflammation As announced on October 4, 2022 (Australian Government. Department of Health and Aged Care/Therapeutic Goods Administration).
In the United States, vitamin B6 supplementation, especially in the elderly, is no more than 50 to 100 milligrams weekly (American Journal of Therapeutics Nov/Dec 2022).

At this point, don’t be afraid. Too many vitamins, because these vitamins It is necessary for the body to grow. and repair worn parts and in the food we eat every day By having to eat healthy food, but in elderly people, pregnant people or in abnormal conditions or use certain drugs together Vitamin supplements may be needed. but must see the right size And must not add too much even though there is no need at all

For B6, no more than 10 mg per day is enough.

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