Watch Sumaya Al-Alfi.. the first appearance after the ordeal of cancer

2023-05-28 22:45:00

The artist reappeared through a video clip that her son, Ahmed Al-Fishawy, published through his official account on “Instagram”.

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The Egyptian artist, Sumaya Al-Alfi, has been away from the limelight for many months, following announcing that she had cancer and had surgery to remove the tumor.

The artist reappeared through a video clip posted by her son, Ahmed Al-Fishawy, through his official account on “Instagram”, and she appeared in good health following recovering from the disease.

Al-Fishawy published the video showing his younger brother Omar cooking for his mother, following which the elder Al-Fishawy directed the camera towards his mother, and asked her regarding his condition, to tell him that she was in the best condition.

Al-Fishawi flirted with the beauty of Sumaya Al-Alfi and her condition, and he kept returning to her from time to time to tell her that he loved her, and he repeated the matter a lot, which made her accuse him of being boring because of the repetition.

Al-Fishawy told his mother that this day was the best in his life because he was with her, and he repeated once once more that he loved her, which made her accuse him of madness, before he finished the video laughing without showing his face, and he apologized to his mother.

Al-Fishawy commented on the video clip, saying: “The most delicious and sweetest one in the world..the great artist Sumaya Al-Alfi,” which a large number of followers interacted with, following seeing his mother following many months of her health ordeal.

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A large number of followers expressed their longing to see Sumaya Al-Alfi once more, while Omar Al-Fishawy commented on the video, stressing that this day is the best in his life.

#Watch #Sumaya #AlAlfi. #appearance #ordeal #cancer

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