Water retention, how much water to drink to get rid of swelling?

Water retention: how much water should you drink during eliminate It’s boring swelling? Do you also sometimes feel bloated? This may be due to heat, certain foods, or the hormonal cycle. In any case, it is an embarrassing situation, due to a excess fluidthat we would like to be able to resolve as soon as possible. Our body tends to retain liquids where they are not needed, namely the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Indeed, in our country, water retention affects about one in three women and is often underestimated. But it is a problem that can also affect men and is accompanied by the presence of swelling and discomfort feeling of heavinesssometimes in the legs.
The first thing to do to counter the effect of water retention is to drink. But you need to know how much and what. Here’s how to beat stagnation.

What is water retention?
Water retention is a tendency of cells to retain fluids, toxins and mineral salts. Usually water retention is caused by an imbalance between two specific mineral salts, potassium and sodium. When sodium is in greater amounts than potassium, the body tends to retain more water. In addition, this disorder is affected by the alteration not only of venous but also lymphatic circulation. It is a pathological accumulation of liquids in the extracellular space, therefore interstitial, partly due to a deficient lymphatic drainage or to the increase in the sodium content which, recalling water, causes the accumulation excess liquids.
Le fluid stagnation occurs in specific areas of the body, which are prone to fat accumulation, in particular: abdomen – thighs – buttocks. Due to poor circulation, toxins stagnate with fluids.
So all this only alters yours metabolism cell, which is already compromised by the lack of oxygen. The lack of drainage function by the lymphatic vessels occurs mainly in summer or in patients who spend a lot of time immobile. But a false belief must be dispelled. Water retention itself does not affect weight. While it’s true that when you suffer from water retention the needle on the scale goes up, it’s also true that it doesn’t happen because you’ve accumulated body fat, but because you’re retaining fluids. .
Drinking plenty throughout the day helps flush out excess fluids, promoting diuresisbut to enhance this effect, you need to follow one low sodium diet. Contrary to what many people think, water does not contribute to swelling but, on the contrary, stimulates good diuresis. The fruits and vegetables they are allies of the range, real water concentrates perfect for fight swelling, orange peel skin and pads.

Water is eliminated with the water
Water retention: how much water can you drink to get rid of that annoying swelling? Well, our body is made up of 60% water and needs this simple and very rich element at the same time. To fight against water retention, it is necessary, paradoxically, to drink. However, this habit must become a serious commitment and accompany each season. You shouldn’t drink only in summer, when high temperatures stimulate thirst or want to detox from junk food.
Should I drink more in the morning or at night?
But how much do you need? About two liters, explain the nutritionists, to distribute throughout the day, but especially in the morning. Because now is the perfect time to wash away the trash of the night.
Start with a glass of warm or room temperature water as soon as you wake up. And then it continues, at will, until the afternoon. Better to drink a little less in the evening. Drinking more allows you to find a more radiant complexion, to find a more luminous, toned and plumped skin.

Water retention, how much water can you drink to get rid of this annoying swelling?
But what if we want to determine how much water to drink in a more personalized way? Just multiply 30ml water for each kilogram of your body weight and have the exact daily dose in milliliters. To get the best result, however, the water should be light, with a low amount of sodium and a low residue. It can also be taken through herbal teas, flavored waters to be prepared with herbs and fruits, to be consumed warm or cold.
Immersion in water is also important to obtain more harmonious shapes: the cells deflate. The liquids retained in the tissues are also expelled by the venous and lymphatic circulation. And while we’re at it, let’s make way for scrubs, whole bath salts, draining creams.

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