Wave Goodbye to Waving Arms: Tips to Strengthen and Tone Your Upper Arms

2023-06-16 08:47:46

Also exciting: Sphinx pushups are the best exercise against waving arms > >

The average weight in Germany – regardless of gender – for people between 40 and 45 is 88.1 kilograms. According to mass distribution, an arm makes up about 66 percent of our body weight. About three percent of this is in the upper arm. About 2.6 kilograms of pulling force act on our upper arms due to gravity.

Connective tissue, muscles and skin must be able to counteract this force. If they are not strong enough, it hangs and sways on our arms – the vernacular then speaks of waving arms. However, the following points show that gravity is not the only factor that can cause weak angles.

3 reasons why angle arms occur

The connective tissue becomes weaker

How strong and taut our connective tissue is always depends on the individual disposition. Some people have strong connective tissue that can easily keep up with drastic changes in body shape, while other people’s connective tissue tears during the growth phases of puberty.

But no matter what the basic genetic requirements are: With age, all connective tissue weakens. With increasing age less collagen manufactured. The structural protein is used, for example, to build up and repair connective tissue. The little collagen that we still have available in old age is more urgently needed in other places – such as our organs.

For many people, weak connective tissue then means wrinkled upper arms and sagging skin flaps that no longer stand a chance against gravity. With regular exercises against waving arms you can counteract weak connective tissue to a certain extent.

Strong weight loss

Anyone who loses a lot of weight and lets excess fat reserves melt away is doing something good for their body. Over the years, however, the skin and the connective tissue between the skin and muscles have sometimes gotten used to being stretched by fat cells. After a large weight loss, the tissue can sometimes no longer get used to the new fit. There are hanging flaps of skin where most of the fat has been reduced. In some people, flaps of skin then hang from the abdomen, breasts, or thighs. Others then have the classic wink arms.

weight gain during menopause

During menopause, our body needs far fewer calories than before. Up to 400 calories less per day are then required for basic bodily functions. Anyone who does not adapt their own eating habits to the new circumstances with advancing age will inevitably gain weight.

Depending on the predisposition and gender, fat deposits are then created. In women, such fat deposits are particularly common on the hips, buttocks and upper arms. While men tend to gain weight around their stomach and waist as they age, women sometimes develop waving arms. If you adjust your diet as you get older, you can sometimes prevent or stop poor eating habits.

#sagging #skin #upper #arms

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