Menopause, under debate: an analysis warns of the excessive medicalization of this vital process | Health & Wellness

Something is changing in the menopause narrative. On the street and in science. The silence around a vital process that half of the planet has experienced, is experiencing or will be experiencing has begun to crack among public opinion and the scientific and medical perspective is also beginning to question its mode of operation. A … Read more

How to exercise to maintain bone health after menopause | Get informed

Laura has just returned from the doctor with a clear diagnosis: at 51 years old, following more than a year since her last period, she has just begun the postmenopause stage. Her doubts assail him, but above all she worries regarding osteoporosis. Her doctor has indicated to her the characteristics of this period and the … Read more

How to exercise to maintain bone health after menopause | Get informed

Laura has just returned from the doctor with a clear diagnosis: at 51 years old, following more than a year since her last period, she has just begun the postmenopause stage. Her doubts assail him, but above all she worries regarding osteoporosis. Her doctor has indicated to her the characteristics of this period and the … Read more

Menopausal Symptoms After Fecal Transplant: Absorbing Mother’s Hormones

2023-11-18 08:04:50 Menopausal symptoms following direct transplantation of feces donated by mother… Possibility of absorbing mother’s hormones Entered 2023.11.17 13:30 Views 5,345 Entered 2023.11.17 13:30 Modified 2023.11.17 16:08 Views 5,345 The story of a man who experienced menopausal symptoms with his mother following receiving a ‘self’ transplant of his mother’s feces was introduced. [상단 사진=사연의 … Read more

Unveiling the Connection: Exploring Menopause in Humans and Chimpanzees

2023-11-04 03:05:39 Among the world’s mammals, except humans and some whales, other creatures are capable of reproducing until death. But in human women, menopause set the reproductive age. Menopause also exists in chimpanzees, new study finds. The scientists came to the conclusion following studying chimpanzees in the Kibale National Park in the African country of … Read more

Factors Affecting Weight Loss in Women as They Age: Hormonal Changes, Slowed Metabolism, Sleep Patterns, Sedentary Lifestyle, and Muscle Loss

2023-10-24 08:00:00 Enas Al-Banna wrote Tuesday, October 24, 2023 11:00 am As you age, your body, diet, habits, and sleep pattern change, and it also affects your ability to lose weight. There are some factors that control the slowness of the process. Weight loss Of the body in women you should know, according to what … Read more

Taking Care of Women’s Health: From Breast Cancer to Mental Well-being

2023-10-01 11:45:00 Key Point : One of the leading causes of death The number one cause of cancer among Thai women is breast cancer, followed by cervical cancer. At the same time, in the current context that fewer women are getting married This results in spending more on taking care of yourself and your health. … Read more