We as a nation have defaulted not only financially but also morally, Qasim Ali Shah – Life & Style

Renowned motivational speaker Syed Qasim Ali Shah says that we as a nation have defaulted not only financially but also morally.

Qasim Ali Shah while speaking in Aaj News program “Rubro” said that before moral default there is a state in which thinking has been defeated, defeat and victory are first born in the form of an intention. Takes that I have to win.

He said that the elders used to say that the greatest affliction is the “affliction of knowledge”, knowing spoils the fun.

Continuing Qasim Ali Shah’s words, Pakistan’s famous actor and director Jamal Shah said that awareness is also a great power. A wise person will become generous and brave when he becomes aware, when you become brave you will become generous and give up miserliness as our sages have passed.

Qasim Ali Shah, when asked about the situation in the country, said that even in these worst situations, we should not give up hope. 2030 and others being presented were actually our visions.

In response to a question, Jamal Shah said that I was an accidental minister, our electoral system is very flawed, when the elections come, a corrupt, unconscious person who has also been jailed is 50. , spends 60 crores and sometimes even billions and there is no one to stop him, on the other hand, a sensible, educated, knowledgeable and understanding of the problems around him, who does not even have five lakhs, how can he stand in front of them.