We have hidden 5 mistakes in Barbara Palvin’s photo, you can find them in 20 seconds

Look carefully at the opening photo: the one on the left is the original, unedited version, and in the second photo on the right, our photo editor has made five small changes compared to the original. Take a look at Barbara: her make-up, her clothes, and of course, don’t let your attention be drawn to the many possibilities in the seven square. To make it a little more exciting, try to solve the task within 20 seconds. can we start

And now let’s see how focused you were!

Here are the 5 mistakes in Barbara Palvin’s photo

Photo: Nothfoto/Éva Herceg

  • We changed the berry-colored lip makeup to pink
  • We hid a button from Barbie’s gray jacket
  • We removed the model’s little finger
  • We took the caption off the photographer’s cap
  • There was a light, there is no light in the background
  • It is important that it does not qualify your skills if you did not find all the modifications or could not complete them in time. It’s simply that you have to work on your concentration and pay attention to a few things!

    Would you like to take back control of your life? We’ll help you get started!

    The first and most important thing is to avoid multitasking as much as possible, i.e. the way of working when you try to focus on several things at the same time!

    Did you know?

    • According to research, multitasking increases the chance of making mistakes by 50 percent, slows you down, hurts creativity, and makes you make many more bad decisions.
    • Multitasking is not an evolutionary leap forward, it works more like the attention of wild animals. “It’s an attention technique that’s essential for survival in the wild. An animal that is currently feeding has to cope with many other tasks at the same time. For example, you need to keep hostile predators away from your prey. While feeding, you must constantly be careful not to become food yourself. In addition, he must watch over the latter and keep an eye on his partner. A wild animal is limited to dividing its attention between many different activities.” – writes Byung-Chull Han in his work The Burnout Society.

    And have you ever thought that your attention has crumbled to such an extent due to overload? If 5 of the following 7 signs are true for you, then this may be the reason why you have slipped over mistakes.

    Your attention is a treasure, treat it well!

    Start practicing the habit of monotasking today, and pay attention to only one thing at a time, but immerse yourself in it thoroughly. “Sharpen your intellect by getting back into the habit of doing one thing at a time. Rediscover the value of solving sequential tasks instead of diluting quality in simultaneous task solving.

    An outstanding result is always born from repeated, deepened periods of concentration. Scattered attention has never produced excellent work. When you are there with your whole personality, your mental strength and other resources will be there in their entirety.”

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