We support innovation – Protecting our citizens from disruptions in the supply chain – 2024-04-05 05:58:34

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis held a meeting with the heads of companies and associations of members of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries who are in our country, saying that “we are given an opportunity to discuss important issues both at the level of national policies and at the level of potential interventions in a European environment” .

“We live in a rather complicated environment. Sometimes we feel like we have to square the circle in trying to provide our citizens with innovative medicines as well as generics at the best possible price, ensuring that we protect our citizens from disruptions in the supply chain while trying to support innovation and companies for discovery new drugs”.

In addition, as the prime minister stated in his introductory statement, “he had the opportunity to exchange views on how innovation can be supported in Greece. This is an area that we put a lot of emphasis on.”

Greece is an excellent environment for promoting innovation

Albert Bourla spoke on behalf of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries, who stated that Greece was chosen for their annual meeting because it is a firm supporter of innovation. “By being here we are making a statement regarding how pleased we are,” noted Mr Burla.

“Greece has taken a very clear position regarding the important dimensions of promoting innovation and access to pharmaceutical preparations,” he added. In addition, as the CEO of Pfizer stated, “we are entering an era of scientific renaissance because we have advances in technology and biotechnology and this will lead to major medical innovations in the next decade.”

And as he added, this translates into specific investments. “Over $250 billion has been invested in research and innovation by the pharmaceutical industry. The biggest companies in this industry are present here. At the moment the lion’s share of investments is in the United States. 3 years ago, the difference in investment between Europe and the United States was regarding 2 billion.” In addition, as he stated the investments in 2023 are estimated at more than 50 billion dollars in the USA characterizing it “as a lost opportunity for Europe”.

Addressing the prime minister and members of the cabinet who took part in the talks, Mr. Burla said that they understand the opportunities offered by Greece, as “it is an excellent environment for promoting innovation”.

“Of the voices that receive the greatest respect and appreciation, the Greek”

Mr. Burla made special reference to innovation-friendly policies and the protection of intellectual property: “It is very important that these investments, if they are to be made, one must feel that this intangible property is being protected.”

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Then the CEO of Pfizer said to the prime minister: “We ask for your support at the national level of course, but also at the European level. The voice of Greece was a voice that might not have been respected in the past. Now, however, it is one of the most respected and respected voices. And this is a result of everything the country has achieved coming out of the dark period of the financial recession.”

For his part, Mr. Mitsotakis, commenting on the issues raised by Mr. Bourla, said: “Issues for European competitiveness must be at the center of the pre-election campaign ahead of the European elections. For our own government, but also for Europe, this must be at the top of our priorities ahead of the next European cycle.”

The prime minister also added: “We are losing competitiveness and Europe is failing to attract top-tier investment. In all important indicators we are behind the United States and this should be taken into account. Clearly, we will pressure the European institutions, especially the Commission, to focus on these issues. There are two reports which will be discussed in relation to competitiveness and the functioning of the single market, which in my view are extremely important because they are not working properly. From the Greek government’s point of view and as far as I personally am concerned, representing my country in the European Council, these are issues that will be at the center of our agenda for the next period”.

Source: ertnews.gr

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