wear good shoes and avoid injury

2023-09-03 10:24:00

Martin Ducret, doctor and journalist at Doctor’s Daily talks to us today about running, a sport that concerns 13 million French people. After a well-deserved rest this summer, many of us start or get back to physical activity…

franceinfo: First of all, what advice do you recommend for a beginner?

Martin Ducret : Probably the most important tip is to be progressive! Above all, do not start with too important objectives: do not run too long or too fast. For that, do not hesitate to alternate running with brisk walking, to reduce microtraumas, while having a sufficient duration of effort. For example, 5 min of running, 5 min of brisk walking, 5 min of running, 5 min of walking, and so on, and then gradually increasing the duration of the running sessions, and decreasing the walking sessions.

The goal is to let your body adapt to new mechanical constraints. So listen to your body, and if you feel the slightest tension, don’t force it. It’s never productive to run in pain.

And about the shoes?

“Above all, you should not buy your first pair on the Internet! told me Yves Lescure, podiatrist in Paris, and director of the Rockefeller Podiatry Institute in Lyon. It is absolutely necessary to test your pair of running shoes, and the ideal is to go to a store specializing in running.”

Take the time to try it on, generally choose 1 to 2 sizes larger than your usual pair of city shoes, and above all, feel comfortable in your shoes both in length and in width. It’s scientifically proven, when you’re comfortable in your pair of running shoes, you hurt yourself less!

One of the important characteristics is the height of the heel – this is called the drop and which helps to absorb shocks – well, between 6 and 8 mm is very good to start with. You should also know that a pair of good quality is generally worth more than a hundred euros, and that they must be changed every 1,000 km, which is equivalent to 20 km per week for 1 year.

What advice can you give to an already confirmed runner who resumes after 1 or 2 months of rest?

As for the beginner, you have to start gradually otherwise you risk getting hurt!

And what are the most common running injuries?

In 50% of cases, it is knee pain, such as patellar syndrome, which is pain next to the kneecap, or windshield wiper syndrome, a side pain in the knee that is common when running. Otherwise there are also ankle and foot pains, such as Achilles tendinitis, periostitis or pain in the sole of the foot, which is called plantar aponeurosis.

Generally, these pains can be very well treated by changing the running technique, the type of shoes, by adding orthopedic insoles, or through rehabilitation sessions at the physiotherapist. So in case of pain, have the reflex to consult a sports doctor, who will refer you, if necessary, to a podiatrist and a sports physiotherapist.

#wear #good #shoes #avoid #injury

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