Weekly Horoscope, Moolam to Revathi-July 30- August 05 Weekly Horoscope Astrological Predictions Moolam to Revathi

2023-07-29 00:35:00

July 30- August 05 Weekly Horoscope Astrological Predictions Moolam to Revathi: This week Sunday and Monday will be for Edavakur, Tuesday and Wednesday for Gemini, Thursday and Friday for Cancer and from Saturday for Chingakur.

July 30- August 05 Weekly Horoscope Astrological Predictions Moolam to Revathi: Sun is in Cancer sign. Puyam and Aeyyam are in order. The Moon starts from White Dwadashi and reaches Pournami and travels till Krishnapaksha Chaturthi (Moolam to Utratathi). Jupiter and Rahu are in Aries. Saturn transits in Aquarius in declination, in the 3rd quarter of cheating. Chitira is in 4th quarter in Ketu Libra sign. Mars, Mercury and Venus are transiting in Leo. Now none of the planets have foolishness. Even though the full moon is over by the middle of the week, the moon is strong till Shashti in Krishna Paksha.

This week, Ashtamarasi will be held on Sunday and Monday for Edavakur, Tuesday and Wednesday for Gemini, Thursday and Friday for Karkatakakur and from Saturday for Chingakur. Ashtamarasi is evaluated as days of care. The two and a quarter days during which the Moon moves in the eighth sign of their Koor or birth sign are thus described.

Due to: The week starts with the birth star. There will be happy experiences. There will be good food and plenty of rest. You can do things that make your mind happy. Do not expect much improvement in trade. Economic conditions will remain average. There will be obstacles in government affairs. Employees may not be able to get along with the boss.

Puradam: Health problems may bother you. If there is physical recovery, something may cause mental distress. Progress in business may be partial. Financial stability cannot be said. May quarrel with father. Harmony and discord will mix in family life. Some friends will lend a helping hand. Relatives may behave like enemies. Caution should be in everything.

Utradam: Trying to do more in a given time frame may not be entirely successful. Some achievements will be happy. There is a preponderance of tribulations at the beginning of the week. It’s expensive. Home appliances may have to be replaced. May fail to maintain cordial relations with friends. Students may lose concentration in studies.

Thiruvonam: It is better to check if the promises are genuine. Efforts will continue to bring reforms in livelihood. Looking for a new job, don’t leave your current job. The financial situation will not deteriorate. Reasonable demands are met. Being indecisive about your children’s marriage will be troubling. Since malefic planets are moving in 7th and 8th, care should be taken in health matters.

Also: Excellence in the field of work will be maintained. Colleagues will seek advice. Will participate well in new missions. Will continue to try to give up bad habits. Marriage does not have to be comfortable. Economic disparities can be a source of strife. There may be less warmth between lovers. The marriage dream of single people is long. Capricorns may experience health problems and problems.

Cheat: Will indulge in activities with competitive spirit. The responsibilities undertaken will be completed gracefully. Permissions and benefits from the government will come at the expected time. Abstain from unsecured financial transactions. Foreign travel may have to wait a little longer. There will be conflicts in marriage.

Birthday: Gain the trust of the authorities. Status is rising. Will hold key positions in organizations and political institutions. Success strategies will be effectively devised. Will continue to try to solve problems in family life. Gain can be expected in land related transactions. Sibling relationship will be warm. Time can be found for divine devotions.

Answer: The clamor for lawsuits will continue. Identifying opposite sounds. Ways of survival may be revealed. Those who follow traditional professions can expect gains. Support from family members will be strong. Their glory will be rejoicing. Long journeys may take place as planned. Look for ways to get loans. Financial discipline will improve.

Revathi: Will take the helm of organizational work. Undeniability continues in the workplace. The obstacle in house construction will be solved. Justice may be served in lawsuits. Students get admission for higher studies. There may be worry for the future of children. It is a good time financially. Will participate in the rituals. You can spend time with family.

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