Well-being, priority for the quality of work life

Lhe new normal triggered by the pandemic highlighted the need to transform traditional work models and venture into new methods. Improving the quality of life at work has become an obligation for companies seeking to improve their productivity and results.

“Well-being is today one of the priorities of workers, hence the new generations are looking for workplaces that, far beyond good economic remuneration, offer them an emotional salary. This salary not only attracts talent to organizations, but also allows employees to feel happy and motivated in their daily work,” says Michelle Segal, Chief People Officer at Justo.

But how to improve the quality of life at work? According to Juan Pablo Castillo, Director of Corporate Affairs at Sodexo, the new forms of hiring allow for flexibility at work and for the person not to feel worn out with their work when leaving home, “getting into heavy traffic, putting up with the whole issue of pollution and other derivatives of these”.

He ensures that new innovators should be created in offices, relaxation rooms, video game areas, coffee areas, where collaborators can share, talk or work in different spaces that give other environments and activate energy.

unlimited days

Michelle Segal assures that in the case of Justo, two specific strategies are implemented to provide a good climate and quality of working life: unlimited days off and Stock Options. “In the case of unlimited days off, it is a benefit that has increased productivity, since we have been able to meet the objectives in the different areas before the scheduled time and we have seen great commitment on the part of our collaborators.”

As for the Stock Options, it is a benefit that is given to the workers and has to do with making them co-owners of the company through the purchase of shares at a low cost. “So they feel that the place where they work is, in part, theirs and that they are being incorporated into the structure of the business and contributing to the growth of their company,” he says.

Quality time

Not only the worker must be a beneficiary of the quality of work life that companies must provide, but also their family. Hence, with the new normality, quality time is essential for the productivity of a collaborator.

“Make schedules more flexible, allowing workers to work to meet goals and not by hours, is a way to meet the company’s objectives, but it also gives people the opportunity to spend more time with their families,” the sources consulted agree. .

In addition to these practices, collaborative work is an essential point for quality of life. “When you work as a team, people’s recharges decrease and, therefore, there is better productivity and an excellent work environment. The workers are being productive, they give their best and, apart from that, they work in the best way with their colleagues and the other areas”, points out Juan Pablo Castillo.

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