“Well done everyone, our journey continues” – 2024-04-12 07:54:09

A day after winning the 2nd National Championship and the ticket to the promotion play-offs, the coach of the women’s volleyball team of Panachai, Aris Angelopoulos, said: “Winning the championship and even without defeat shows exactly the potential and value of the team .

Since August, all the gymnasts worked with enthusiasm and patience, improving their individual and team skills, reaching this success.

I want to thank all the athletes, because they really believed, worked and embraced the team’s effort and in the end they were justified.

They overcame every obstacle presented in the course of the championship and they deserve to be congratulated for that.

I should also thank my colleagues as well as the president, the management for their undivided support to the team.

Winning the championship gave great joy to all the friends of Panachaki, whom we thank and always want by our side.

But the journey does not stop here for this year, winning the championship gives us the opportunity to claim one of the two privileged positions leading to promotion to A2 in the playoffs.

We will try again with a collective effort to take this step as well”.

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#journey #continues

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