West Nile Virus Cases Outside Mediterranean Rim on the Rise in France: Latest Updates and Symptoms

2023-08-02 09:37:24

The West Nile virus seems to be gaining ground in France. For the first time, a case of infection was identified at the end of July outside the “Mediterranean rim”more precisely in Bordeaux, announced this Tuesday, August 1, 2023 the Regional Health Agency (ARS) in New Aquitaine, in a statement relayed by theAFP.

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Four other cases are ” under investigation “ in Gironde in addition to this first infection reported on July 27, added the ARS, specifying that the state of health of the people concerned “does not inspire concern”.

According to the health agency, “so far in France, human infections with the West Nile virus have only been found around the Mediterranean, in the Paca and Occitanie regions”.

Flu-like symptoms

Discovered in Uganda in 1937, this virus is carried by birds and transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. West Nile virus causes flu-like symptoms but in rare cases neurological complications may occur. “In 80% of cases, human infection is said to be “asymptomatic”i.e. the patient has no symptoms”specifies the ARS.

It is present in Africa, Asia, Australia and in Europe around the Mediterranean. According to Public Health France, this virus has been circulating more widely in Russia and Europe since 2010, with cases first reported in Germany and the Netherlands in 2019 and 2020.

#West #Nile #virus #gains #ground #France #case #detected #Bordeaux

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