What are the cheeses to avoid when you are pregnant?

When we are pregnant we are subject to several dietary constraints, particularly with regard to cheeses. Which can we eat? How to choose a safe cheese? What cheeses should you watch out for? What are the risks involved? We help you see things more clearly!

Raw milk cheese and pregnancy, what are the risks?

When you are pregnant, eating certain cheeses can have serious repercussions on the health of the fetus. Certain cheeses, likely to promote the multiplication of bacteria, should be avoided. The main risks associated with cheese consumption: listeriosis et toxoplasmosis, two deadly diseases for the fetus. In question ? Listeria, a bacterium causing listeriosis and whose symptoms are similar to those of the flu. The risk is that listeria crosses the placental barrier, which can lead to serious complications (serious infections of the baby, spontaneous abortion, premature delivery, etc.). In France, cases of pregnant women affected by listeriosis remain very rare in France. About the toxoplasmosisit is an infection caused by toxoplasma, a parasite which is found in particular in soft cheeses made from raw milk, raw or undercooked meats, cat excrement etc. Whether toxoplasmosis is safe for pregnant womenit can be a source of complications if it is transmitted to the fetus (and the mother is not immune to it).

Which cheeses to eat during pregnancy?

The best ? Favor cheeses which, either by their ingredients or by their manufacturing process, do not present any risk. THE pasteurized cheeses are no doubt THE safest cheeses for pregnant women. These are cheeses for the production of which the milk has been heated at a temperature of at least 72°C for a short time, which makes it possible to limit the development of listeria. Among the most popular pasteurized cheeses are chaource and mascarpone. Others cheeses allowed during pregnancy ? THE hard cheeses ! Although listeria is sometimes present, it is present in such small quantities that these cheeses are considered safe for pregnant women. Among the hard cheeses – or cooked pressed cheeses – there are Beaufort, Cheddar, Comté, Emmental, Gouda, Gruyère, Parmesan, Pecorino… Soft cheeses and melted dough can also be eaten (cancoillotte, feta, cheese spreads, mozzarella, mascarpone, ricotta…). Finally, pregnant women can also allow themselvesEven unpasteurized cheeses, if they are cooked because cooking limits the development of bacteria.

Which cheeses to avoid when you are pregnant?

Raw milk cheeses, flowery cheeses, blue-veined cheeses are to avoid during pregnancy. Their faults?

  • THE raw milk cheeses have not undergone pasteurization
  • THE bloomy rind cheeses whose crust linked to the presence of a fungus
  • THE blue-veined cheeseswhich show traces of blue mold

For these various reasons, these cheeses are more frequently contaminated. If you are pregnant, you will also make sure do not eat the cheese rind because it is the part most exposed to the risk of infection.

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