What are the most common causes of nausea after exercise?

Inadequate nutrition and hydration, excessive effort when exercising, temperature of the place, among others.

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Inadequate nutrition and hydration, excessive effort when exercising, temperature of the place, among others.

It is possible that on some occasion that you have exercised you remember feeling nauseous or dizzy during the activity or at the end of it, has it happened to you?

In fact, this type of event is common for people who make a higher effort during exercise, are not used to the activity or are simply influenced by certain factors.

It really is not a pleasant feeling and fortunately it is possible to avoid it in most cases by taking certain considerations.

Causes of nausea and dizziness after exercise

There are a variety of factors that can influence the quality of your exercise experience. These can lead to this result of nausea and dizziness, either after a few minutes or at the end of your session.

By identifying these causes, you can take them into account to counteract them and thus avoid the feeling of nausea or dizziness, some may be:

-Closed premises with little ventilation or high temperatures.

The environment or the place where you exercise influences issues such as temperature, if you are in direct exposure to the sun, in a closed place with little ventilation, among others.

– Not enough oxygen.

-During exercise your muscles demand more oxygenation, by not receiving enough oxygen your brain will signal its requirement through dizziness.


With physical exertion, your body can lose a lot of fluids through sweating.

-On physical exertion.

-When the wear caused by physical activity has taken you to the limits, they can generate nausea and vomiting.

-Low blood sugar levels.

When you exercise, your muscles use more glucose for energy, and you may experience low blood sugar levels.

-Low blood pressure.

Normally blood pressure tends to drop after exercise.

-The equipment.

The machines or equipment you use to exercise can, depending on their characteristics, cause discomfort.

Equipment that involves fast, continuous movement such as using the treadmill or elliptical.

Actions to prevent post-exercise discomfort

The causes help guide precisely how nausea or vomiting can be prevented.

It is important that you can choose or arrange the time and place so that they are suitable for carrying out the exercise.

An average temperature without exposure to the sun for long periods, with good ventilation accompanied by a slow, deep breathing be done constantly.

Remember hydrate yourself during exercise and feed yourself properly in advance as well as afterwards.

Do not overexert yourself and try to maintain a moderate rhythm through conscious breathing, it is preferable to gradually increase the intensity of your sessions over time.

On the other hand, keep in mind the cool-down period and, if possible, the cool-down period. stretching to end.

Say goodbye to dizziness!

Now that you know these considerations you can take them into account to avoid feeling bad at the end of your exercise session, try to keep them in mind and from now on you can say goodbye to nausea and dizziness if they are due to these causes. If they continue, see your doctor.

Source: National Library of Medicine (NIH)

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