What are the signs of glaucoma eye disease?.. Persistent headache and blurred vision

glaucoma This is a group of conditions that damage the optic nerve of the eyes, usually as a result of abnormally high pressure inside your eye.

Although it can occur at any age, one of the main causes of infection are the elderly (over 60), according to the site ” healthlineGlaucoma has several types.

glaucoma signs

There is no cure for glaucoma and it cannot be prevented. However, the best practice is to catch it early to start treatment in time and help prevent it from progressing. Some of the signs of glaucoma include:

red eyes:

This is a common sign that can be caused by various factors, often mean and trivial, however, persistent redness should not be ignored as it can be a sign of glaucoma..

Seeing the aura:

The appearance of a halo-like vision can be a sign of glaucoma and should not be overlooked.

blurred vision

Not being able to see clearly is never a good sign, if your vision has been blurry lately, get your eyes checked because it could be a sign of glaucoma.

Digestive problems:

Did you know that digestive discomfort can be a sign of glaucoma? Although this sounds strange, nausea, stomach problems, etc. may indicate eye complications.

continuous headache:

Any pain around the eye or health should not be overlooked, in some cases, it can be a sign of glaucoma.

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