what does the gray heart emoji mean and when to use it?

With its regular updates, the WhatsApp application continues to improve the user experience. For some time, you have surely noticed the appearance of a new emoji on the messaging platform: it is a gray heart that completes the palette of already existing emoticons. We are going to reveal its meaning to you so that you can use it wisely during your conversations. And, as each heart emoji has a specific symbolism, we will help you decipher them correctly according to their color.

What is the meaning of the gray heart emoji on WhatsApp?

According to the Emojipedia portal, the gray heart emoji calls for several different and varied interpretations. It can thus highlight a sad mood due to bad news. You can, for example, send it to someone who has lost a loved one to show your compassion. It is also possible to use it to help a loved one through a crisis or a difficult period. It can also refer to old age or something ancient, so it can relate to a form of nostalgia. In another context, this heart can be used to mark a traditional event, a conformist doctrine or a part of morality.

Decryption of other colored hearts on WhatsApp

The white heart on WhatsApp is associated with affection, platonic love and compassion. A mother can especially use it when talking to her children. It is thus a question of purity and sincerity. This usually testifies to a lasting and unfailing friendly relationship. This emoji can also be used to show strong affection to someone who is going through a loss or a painful ordeal. You can therefore send it to your relatives or long-time friends, but you should avoid sending it to people you have just met.

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A red heart – Source: spm

This is a great classic, the unequivocal symbol of love with a capital A. It represents romanticism and passion. As it is often reserved for the loved one, couples can have a great time. But, it is fashionable to use it in the context of deep and reciprocal relationships, to mark a strong friendship or in the family context. So it can be sent to loved ones, sincere friends or anyone important in your life.

A symbol of trust and loyalty, the blue heart is perfect for showing a feeling of happiness in a good-natured situation. It is very popular when trying to express a playful language in a friendly or non-committal relationship. It is therefore not a question of amorous ties, nor of deep emotions, but rather of a sympathy or an attachment in all lightness.

This heart has several different meanings. On the one hand, it can be associated with compassion, affection and attention. It is therefore indicated in filial and parental relationships to express tenderness, esteem, respect or admiration. It can be used especially on Mother’s Day. On the other hand, it is also very present in the world of fashion, to highlight elegance or glamor. It is also increasingly common to find it in WhatsApp messages between feminists, since purple today embodies the color of feminism. Finally, it also happens that this emoticon slips into more sensual discussions where desire and sexual attraction come into consideration.

an orange heart

An orange heart – Source: spm

The orange heart has no romantic vocation: it is even recommended when you want to make an eager contact understand that you want to keep him as a friend. You can also send it to indicate your openness, support or friendly intentions. It is considered to be a symbol of good vibes and positive energy.

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Finally, apart from its obvious connotation which tends to express sadness and pain, the black heart does not only refer to the loss of a loved one, the separation of a couple or any other bad news. In another totally different register, it can also be associated with black humor or salacious jokes. It can still express a spirit of rebellion or non-conformism. In addition, some also use it as part of alternative or underground music.

What are the meanings of the other heart emojis?

emoji name Meaning of the emoji Utilisation
❤️ Red heart To show love, affection, friendship or gratitude
???? Hearts turned towards each other To show mutual love or romance
???? Broken Heart To show a breakup or heartache
???? shiny heart To show intense love, appreciation or admiration
???? Heart with an arrow To show that you are in love or looking for love
???? Heart with a knot To show a gift of love or friendship
???? Two intertwined hearts To show a strong connection or deep friendship
???? cross heart To show passionate love or romantic interest

What are the meanings of Emoji with a face?

emoji name Meaning of the emoji Utilisation
???? Smiling face with smiling eyes To show that you are content or happy
???? Face folded in laughter To show that you find something very funny
???? Smiling face with heart-shaped eyes To show that you are in love with something or someone
???? Puzzled face with a raised eyebrow To show that you are confused or thinking about something
???? Sad face with a tear To show you’re sad or crying
???? angry red face To show that you are angry or frustrated
???? sleeping face To show that you are tired or bored
???? Smiling face with hugging hands To show that you want to cuddle someone or that you are happy to see someone

The meaning of other Emoji

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