what does this gynecological examination consist of?

East colposcopy a relatively routine gynecological examination, which, however, worries many women. It is prescribed following an abnormal vaginal smear to examine the cervix in search of suspicious lesions (pre-cancerous or not). The intervention itself does not last more than ten minutes and can be followed by a biopsy. Insights from Pr Jean Gondry, gynecologist-obstetrician at the University Hospital of Amiens and member of the SFCPCV (French Society of Colposcopy and Cervico-Vaginal Pathology)

Definition: what is a colposcopy?

Colposcopy is a gynecological examination carried out on the basis of a warning sign: bleeding, HPV test(human papillomavirus) positive or a cytological examination, explains the expert. It consists of examining the cervix using specific dyes and a colposcope (a binocular magnifying glass) to highlight morphological abnormalities of the cervix evoking precancerous lesions (or any other abnormality) which would require a biopsy sample. Concretely, the doctor introduces the magnifying device into the vaginal canal to take a closer look at the patient’s cervix.

Abnormal smear: why do a colposcopy?

Colposcopy is indicated :


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