What foods should a person with osteoporosis not eat?

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bones of the body, usually in older people because the body begins to lose bone mass. This condition increases the risk of fractures or bone ailments.

According to experts, it is a silent disease, so there are no pronounced symptoms. This increases the risk of complications. However, some claim that ailments can occur in specific parts of the body such as the back, knees, hands and fingers.

To prevent this disease, bones must be kept strong, something that is achieved through food. Mayo Clinic points out that foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C, among others, should be consumed, which help absorb calcium, strengthen bones and avoid the risk of fractures.

Along the same lines, the entity pointed out that because it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet to avoid this condition, there are foods that should be avoided or limited in the diet because they cause the weakening of the bones or prevent them from absorbing nutrients and properties needed to stay strong.

What foods should be avoided?

Salt-rich foods

According to the specialized portal Health Line, excessive salt consumption can cause the body to lose calcium. In that sense, they recommend avoiding foods that contain more than 20% of the recommended daily value of sodium.

Limiting salt intake to no more than 2,300 mg per day can help support bone health.


Alcohol is one of the drinks that doctors and experts generally recommend avoiding, as it has different adverse effects on the body. In a moderate amount it will not affect those suffering from osteoporosis, but in large amounts it will cause the body to lose bone mass significantly. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, drinks should be limited to two per day.

Beans and legumes

Legumes are foods that help the body in general, however, they have a high content of phytates, compounds that affect the body’s ability to absorb calcium. However, because their health benefits are known, experts noted that to reduce the amount of phytates beans or legumes are soaked in water for two to three hours before cooking. After this they are drained and prepared with new clean water.

excess vitamin A

The consumption of foods with vitamin A is necessary for the body to perform other functions correctly, in addition to maintaining healthy skin and healthy hair. However, excess of this vitamin has adverse effects on bone health. Therefore, it is recommended, especially for those who take multivitamins, that they do not exceed their intake with vitamin A.


Although there are multiple studies that indicate that caffeine consumption benefits some capacities of the brain and can even prevent dementia, for people suffering from osteoporosis it can mean a risk.

This is because it decreases calcium absorption and contributes to bone loss. In this sense, Health Line points out that beverages such as coffee, tea, soft drinks or energy drinks contain variable amounts of caffeine that should be avoided or limited.

It should be noted that Since calcium is the most important mineral for strong bones, experts recommend foods rich in dairy. However, this mineral can also be found in vegetables such as spinach, raw Swiss chard, kale, squash, lettuce, watercress, or broccoli, and in legumes such as kidney beans, navy beans, lentils, and chickpeas , explains the portal Cinfasalud.

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