What foods to eat to get rid of cellulite?

2023-04-26 12:19:07

Did you know: it is estimated that 75% of us have cellulite ! And even very thin women can have cellulite… proof that it has nothing to do with being overweight! A good reason to learn to accept it and live with it, of course. And if we still want to eradicate it? Although it is most often due to poor local venolymphatic circulation linked to our genetics, cellulite will be amplified by a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables (generally recommended as part of most slimming diets) because these these favor the Water retention. Thus it is possible toreduce the appearance of cellulite through better nutrition. It is also necessary to distinguish 3 types of cellulite. There fatty cellulite is mainly due to poor diet, lack of physical activity and excess weight and therefore fat. There aqueous cellulite is essentially linked to a lack of physical activity and poor venous and lymphatic circulation causing water retention. There fibrous cellulitelinked to physical inactivity and heredity, is the most tenacious and the most difficult to dislodge.

Green tea, the anti-cellulite weapon

Green tea has diuretic and slimming properties that make it a valuable ally against water retention and cellulite. It promotes destocking, the elimination of lipids accumulated in fat cells, limits the absorption of lipids and carbohydrates and, in fact, promotes weight loss. As a bonus? It prevents cardiovascular diseases, the risk of cancer and reduces cholesterol! We do not hesitate to prepare a cup in case of peckishness: it can calm hunger and will help to reach the 1.5 L of water that it is recommended to drink each day.

Cabbage to get rid of cellulite

In the cabbage family, I ask for green cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts…all of which are foods rich in magnesium, iodine and zinc. They regulate the assimilation of sugars and reduce appetite. In addition, cabbages are low in calories since they have about 28 calories per 100g! They are prepared in all kinds of recipes such as gratins, soups and accompaniment to all types of dishes.

Papaya, an anti-cellulite fruit

Papaya is an excellent source of dietary fiber and can help satisfy the appetite by quickly bringing a feeling of satiety. Papaya is rich in vitamins C, A, and E, which are powerful antioxidants. Its enzyme, papain, allows for better digestion of proteins. Low in calories (30 kcal per 100g) and tasty, we do not hesitate to consume this fruit during its peak (November to March)! Among the exotic fruits, we also think of pineapple, star of flat stomach diets and a real slimming ally!

Citrus fruits to eliminate cellulite

All citrus fruits (lemon, kumquat, orange, grapefruit…) are excellent sources of vitamin C, and powerful antioxidants. Oranges also contain flavonoids which can improve blood circulation and strengthen capillarity. The average caloric value of a citrus fruit is 25 to 40 Kcal per 100g.

The artichoke an anti-cellulite food

Artichoke is a high source of fibre, which is associated with a lower risk of colon cancer, and may help control appetite by making you feel full faster. It also has a strong antioxidant power, which will help fight against fibrous cellulite – namely the most difficult cellulite to dislodge -. With only 40 calories per 100g, the artichoke deserves to be eaten. The artichoke season lasts from March to September but the months of June and July correspond to its peak season!

Avocado to fight cellulite

The avocado is a rather special food since it contains lipids, while all the other fruits and vegetables do not! Its strengths in the fight against cellulite? It is rich in essential fatty acids that improve skin health and blood circulation, making it an essential food for fighting orange peel skin naturally. In addition, the avocado takes care of our cardiovascular health … So many good reasons to consume it at all meals from breakfast to dinner but without abusing it all the same! From the most classic recipes such as the avocado toast to the ultra-original recipe for a gourmet avocado dessert, there is something for everyone!

Onion, a little-known anti-cellulite food

The onion regulates the absorption of sugar and activates the elimination of fat. It fights cellulite by eliminating water and toxins from the body. It is also an excellent source of vitamins C and E (antioxidants). Finally, it is a “healthy” food with a positive effect on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Oily fish to reduce cellulite

Anything fatty is not bad! The proof with oily fish (tuna, salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, trout…), and fish oils which are among the healthiest foods to fight against cellulite! This type of oil as well as these fish contain a lot of so-called “essential” fatty acids which help to strengthen and fortify the cells of the skin, and thus improve its tone and texture.

Parsley, an anti cellulite herb

Parsley has diuretic and appetite suppressant properties due to its fiber content and the flavor it adds to a dish. Her action anti-cellulite translates to the reduction in fat storage.

Leek to fight against water retention

Ally number 1 in the fight against water retention, this cousin of the onion is – logically – an ideal food to get rid of cellulite! Low in calories, rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamin C and B9, leeks are a nutritional ally of choice!

Foods to avoid when fighting cellulite

When trying to fight cellulite, some foods represent real dangers! This is the case of those who promote water retention and theincreased fat deposits such as salt, fried foods and ultra-processed products, but also sugar – and more specifically white sugar – and alcohol. More generally, we avoid foods with a high glycemic index (greater than 70) because this type of food promotes cellulite… In short, fighting cellulite comes down to favoring foods that make you lose weight or – more specifically – to limit the consumption of those that are not very beneficial for the body!It is also recommended to limit your consumption of “white starches” (rice, pasta, bread, etc.) containing starch and which will promote bloating and the installation of cellulite.

To read. “slimming foods”Dr. Laurence Lévy-Dutel and Florence Sabas unveil a list of natural anti-cellulite foods to favor to get rid of orange peel skin.

#foods #eat #rid #cellulite

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