What happens if you drink ginger water with lemon in the morning?

Ginger is a root native to Southwest Asia, but since ginger grows in any tropical climate, it can now be found in various parts of the world. The properties of this root make it one of the favorite elements in the kitchen of many homes.

Ginger aromatizes food and adds a bit of flavor, plus it has great medicinal properties. Even Eastern countries still consider ginger essential in the daily diet, as a preventive of diseases and aid in digestion.

In addition, according to the Secretary of Agroindustry of Argentina, it helps fight aging thanks to its antioxidants, decongests the respiratory system, reduces cholesterol levels and reduces inflammation. Also, prevents flu-associated diseases and improves the immune system.

Likewise, the specialized portal better with health explained that ginger, combined with turmeric, helps fight joint pain, thanks to the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that each of these roots have.

As for the lemon, it is one of the most consumed citrus fruits in the world, due to its versatility and nutritional qualities. It is highly recommended for many uses in medicine. The Federal Consumer Protection Office of Mexico explains through its web portal that This fruit can alleviate a wide variety of conditions, thanks to the fact that it is rich in vitamin C.

Also, according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, the juice of a single lemon provides about 21% of the antioxidants a person needs. Also, It facilitates blood circulation, as it contains nitric oxide, a vasodilator that helps relax the walls of the arteries.

Lemon is also a good source of soluble fiber that helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, keep blood glucose levels at bay and the healthy development of intestinal flora.

The combination of these two foods (ginger and lemon) can enhance the qualities of each product, so it brings great benefits to the body. In fact, the portal specialized in food GastroLab has explained the favors that come to the body as a result of the consumption of ginger tea with lemon, especially in the morning:

  • Helps lose weight: ginger contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties and bioactive compounds that, according to some studies, help inhibit weight gain. The consumption of this tea, together with the lemon, will keep the metabolism working properly to avoid being overweight.
  • Improves concentration and reduces stress: Drinking a cup of lemon ginger tea daily can help improve cognitive processes. Also, It has properties that deflate those parts of the body where tension is present and, therefore, reduces stress.
  • Relieves nausea: Ginger is widely used to treat nausea thanks to its compounds called zingiber, which help reduce bacteria that may be found in the stomach. Along with lemon, ginger will help improve digestion.
  • Protects the skin: according to the magazine specialized in health and lifestyle UnComo published through the portal Mundodeportivoginger is an ally for the skin, as it contains 40 different antioxidants responsible for skin aging. These effects are enhanced by the use of lemon in the preparation of tea.

To prepare this tea, according to GastroLabyou need: a cup of water, a slice of peeled ginger root and the juice of a lemon.


  1. In a saucepan put the water over medium heat until it reaches its boiling point.
  2. Remove from heat, add ginger and let stand for five minutes.
  3. After the time, add the lemon judo and consume.

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