What happens in the female body when you do not have sexual intercourse

vaginal pain

When sexual relations are left aside, the muscles of the vaginal wall atrophy, thinning of the walls and even dryness can be generated, which means that when you return to sexual life, there is pain, discomfort or hormonal changes.

Some experts recommend performing a stimulation before the sexual act, to increase libido and that a good lubrication is carried out.

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psychological problems

Frequent sexual activity promotes the production of endorphins and oxytocins, which are neurotransmitters that promote happiness, and improve mental health, which improves mood.

Not having sexuality implies that the levels of pleasure and happiness are reduced, to make room for stress and anxiety.

Affects the immune system

The Spanish Heart Federation indicates that having orgasms not only releases oxytocin, but also other hormones such as adrenaline, endorphins, which act in our body as vasodilators, allow better blood circulation and thus prevent the formation of clots.

Those who have sex more often tend to have higher levels of antibodies against germs and bacteria.

The sexologist and author of your vagina speaks, Isabella Magdalaexplained on the portal webconsultations that sex increases the body’s ability to produce a series of protective antibodies viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms.

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