What happens when you stop drinking coffee for a month?

If you usually drink 1-3 cups coffee Every day, your body is now dependent on caffeine. There are definite benefits to drinking less coffee or quitting altogether, experts say.

What makes it hard for many people to cut back on coffee is that the initial phase of withdrawal can be quite frustrating. American doctor Shirley Collins explains: “If you suddenly stop drinking coffee, you may feel withdrawal symptoms after a few days to a week or two.”

These symptoms include headaches, fatigue, irritability, muscle aches, flu-like symptoms, and more.

However, Dr. Collins notes, after a month, your body will adapt to the lack of caffeine and a cascade of positive effects begins to emerge.

Coffee has many effects but should not be too dependent. Illustration: Telegraph

Sleep better

The first big change you might notice after stopping drinking coffee for a month is improved sleep. This is often especially true for people who drink a lot of coffee every day or drink it in the afternoon or evening.

Dr. Nadia K. Ghumman told Best Life: “Caffeine is a stimulant that easily disrupts sleep, leading to insomnia. When you stop drinking coffee, you can improve the quality and duration of sleep, get better rest, and reduce the feeling of fatigue.”

Dr. Collins also agrees with this view: “Once caffeine leaves your body, you’ll sleep better. Since caffeine no longer blocks sleep-promoting receptors, you’ll now fall asleep more easily and will have a longer sleep.”

Mood change

Dr. Collins says: “When you drink coffee, you will stay awake, but your mind can also become overloaded.” The expert said that, that risk leads to overthinking and worrying. When you successfully quit coffee, you will be less worried.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ghumman explains, people who are regularly stressed may notice a more relaxed and calm mood within a month.

“Coffee can affect the levels of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline in the body, leading to changes in mood and energy levels.” female doctor said.

What happens when you stop drinking coffee for a month?-2

When you first quit drinking coffee, you may be tired, have a headache. Artwork: Healthline

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