what is it and what does it work for?

Each patient undergoes different processes that consume vitamins, and can alter absorption and elimination thresholds. It seeks to stop pathological aging and chronic-degenerative diseases. Each person is unique and has different requirements for each nutrient, and responds in a particular way to the treatment, that is why the treatments have a name and surname because they must be personal, individual and evaluated in a unique system for each one.

Orthomolecular medicine does not include drugs, physical and psychological therapies. Seeks balance at the molecular level from parenteral, transdermal, sublingual, intradermal, enteral and oral supplementation. In any case, it has a holistic view of the patient and an interdisciplinary approach, so it respects the classic drug treatments, surgeries, and physical and psychological therapies when they are appropriate and accompany the patient’s well-being.

Vitaminas A B C D Omega 3.jpg

Courtesy: Euroresidents

The treatments take the time that each patient requires, since there are hundreds of nutrients that can be synthesized by the body, but 45 nutrients are considered essential and cannot be synthesized in the body itself, for which we depend on their external contribution and the duration of the supplementation of these Vitamins, Essential Amino Acids, and Minerals, will depend on the needs of each patient to maintain their Health.

All vitamins, minerals or other substances have a maximum intake level approved by the WHO and, for this reason, all treatment must be indicated and supervised by a doctor, to minimize errors in the administration of the different substances that patients may need. patients.

Orthomolecular therapy manages to correct nutritional deficiencies, and thus achieve its goal of balancing the millions of molecules in the body, and thus achieve its goal of balancing the millions of molecules in the body, and thus allow the patient to enjoy health.

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