What is the best natural collagen for joints?

Collagen is the protein responsible for providing elasticity and tension to the skin. It is not only in the skin, but it is also present in the tendons, bones and cartilage. They give it resistance and elasticity, according to Sanitas, a health entity.

In addition to the fact that the human body produces it, it can be obtained through the daily diet and the consumption of supplements. “It is important to know if the type of collagen that we are consuming it will have a relevant effect on what we want to contribute to improve”, web site hit counter

According to Vitanatur, collagen provides multiple benefits for the human body. Among them, its positive effects for the joints stand out.

There are three types of collagen. Green Planet Shop highlights the different types of collagen that exist and the use of each of them:

  • Type 1 collagen: means 90% of the skin, hair, nails, organs, bones and ligaments. This is the most recommended for the prevention of wrinkles and signs of aging.
  • Type 2 collagen: it is the one that makes up cartilage. As explained The universe This is the one recommended by experts to relieve pain or discomfort in the cartilage.
  • Type 3 collagen: found in bones, cartilage, tendons, and other connective tissues. It is essential to keep the organs in an optimal state, indicates the website.

According to studies, type 1 collagen contributes to the function of chondrocytes, which are responsible for build the cartilage matrix. It also helps relieve pain or discomfort in the knee.

Vitanatur points out the benefits of this collagen for the joints:

  • “Its consumption as a supplement may have a protective effect for the development and progression of post-traumatic pathologies.
  • The regular supply of collagen I can serve as protection against cartilage degeneration.
  • Effectively reduces inflammation and the accumulation of synovial fluid in the joints”.

Before choosing a collagen supplement to strengthen the joints, you should consult a doctor to receive the appropriate professional advice and avoid health risks.

collagen for skin

With age, collagen production decreases and wrinkles and fine lines begin to appear. “Wrinkles are lines and folds that form on the skin. Some can become deep cracks or grooves and can be particularly noticeable around the eyes, mouth and on the neck,” explains the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit organization dedicated to clinical practice, education and research.

Vitamin C is one of the best alternatives to stimulate collagen production. Foods rich in vitamin C can be included in the diet, such as citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries and guava. It is essential to consume these fruits periodically to guarantee a better result.

A doctor can be consulted to learn about the different options to improve the appearance of the skin and decrease the prominence of wrinkles.


Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect the joints and, in some people, can damage various body systems, including the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, and blood vessels. Furthermore, this disease is a autoimmune disorder which occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s tissues, according to the Mayo Clinic.

This entity also reminds on its website that rheumatoid arthritis affects the lining of the joints and causes painful swelling that can ultimately lead to bone erosion and joint deformity.

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