what is the correct oven temperature?

Bread is the king of the table! No doubt about it! Anyone can bake homemade bread. However, cooking remains an art that few people master! Baking bread requires precision and patience. Do you want to make your own homemade bread? Discover our tips for knowing the optimal cooking temperatures. You will have a soft and crispy bread, what more could you ask for?

To make your bread successful, it is important to know the right baking temperature. And this, even before you start preparing your dough. And believe us, temperature is key to the success of your baguette! To do this, we present the right techniques to adopt to properly bake your bread in the oven. Soft and crunchy will be on the menu! Let’s go !

Baking bread is fun! This experience still has to be successful! Although the process itself is simple, it takes time and patience. Here is a good little recipe for a delicious bread. One thing is for sure, you are going to enjoy it! Follow the guide for the preparation of your bread!

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Homemade bread preparation. Source: spm

Ingredients : For 6 persons

  • Wheat flour – 500g
  • Baker’s yeast – 8g
  • Fine salt – 10 pinches
  • Water – 35 cl

Preparation :

  1. Mix the salt with the flour.
  2. With a little lukewarm water, please dissolve the yeast.
  3. Make a well in the center of the flour. Pour in the yeast and the rest of the water then mix carefully by hand until you obtain a soft dough.
  4. Spread the dough on the work surface and try to knead it for 5 to 7 minutes.
  5. Put the dough in a bowl, cover it with a cloth and let it rest for at least half an hour at room temperature.
  6. After the dough has risen, flour your hands and squeeze out the air.
  7. On the surface of the floured bread, shape the loaves into balls. Fold the dough over and roll it with the palm of your hand. Give it the shape you want (round bread or baguette)
  8. Place the loaves on a baking sheet and let rest for 30 minutes before baking.
  9. Brush the loaves with a damp pastry brush before putting them in the oven.

Once your bread is ready, it’s time to learn how to set the oven temperature for baking bread. Stay tuned, we will reveal everything to you!

What temperature do you need to bake homemade bread?

The baking temperature of the bread is an element that should not be overlooked. And this, to obtain a soft bread with a crispy crust. The ideal temperature for baking your homemade bread in the oven is between 160 and 200°C. It depends on the type of bread you are making. This will give you delicious bread with perfect color and texture.

oven temperature and cooking method

oven temperature and cooking mode. Source: spm

Why is temperature important when baking bread?

For your bread to be good, the temperature is essential! It determines the time required for cooking and impacts the result. Too high a temperature will burn your bread, while too low a temperature will spoil the taste and texture. No way ! If you want a soft and crispy bread at the same time, put it to cook at the right temperature!

What is the baking time for bread?

The baking time for bread depends on how it is prepared. How ? You can both cook it at low temperature for a longer time or at high heat for a shorter time. The baking time for bread also depends on the oven you are going to use and the degree of doneness you are looking for. Generally, the cooking time is 10 to 30 minutes. And There you go !

What type of oven to bake homemade bread?

Baking homemade bread is a real challenge. Do not panic ! For super good bread, you need to choose the right type of oven. Most gas or electric ovens work well for baking bread. You just need to make sure your oven reaches the right temperature. As a reminder, the ideal temperature for baking bread is generally between 160 and 200°C.

Read also: How to make bread like it came out of the bakery? 4 ingredients are enough

Why put a bowl of water in the oven to bake bread?

Here is another simple but brilliant trick! Putting a bowl of water in the oven when baking bread is a common practice. This creates a humid atmosphere inside the oven, which improves the texture and taste of the bread. In addition, it prevents the surface of the bread from drying out and having a hard crust.

Good baked bread

A good baked bread. Source: spm

Without a doubt, our advice is valuable to ensure the best baking of your bread. You will be able to regulate the temperature of your oven from the beginning of the cooking until the end. The key: a soft, good and crispy bread. A real treat !

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