What is the “Deep Work” method and how can you put it into practice to succeed?

This method of concentration allows you to focus on the task at hand and get results faster. Keep reading to learn how deep work can help you progress.

What does deep work consist of?

In his book Deep Work, Cal Newport defines this term as “work activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that pushes your cognitive abilities to their limits”. He asserts that this type of work is increasingly rare in today’s society, and that we are losing our ability to engage in it. The goal of deep work, according to Newport, is to produce valuable results that cannot be achieved by shallow work.

Shallow work is defined as any type of task that can be accomplished quickly and with little thought or effort. It includes activities such as checking email, browsing the Internet, and attending meetings. While superficial work is often necessary, it does not achieve the same type of results as in-depth work. To be successful, Newport says we need to spend more time doing deep work.

Achieve deep work using these 4 main principles.

Newport sets out four main principles for people who want to engage in deep work.

  • Allow time for in-depth work:

In his book Deep Work, Cal Newport demonstrates that the ability to focus on difficult tasks without distraction is increasingly rare, and that this skill is essential for success in the modern economy. He claims that we can all benefit from a concerted effort to schedule time for deep work, or uninterrupted blocks of time devoted to a single task.

While it might seem counterintuitive to schedule time for something that seems like a given, Newport says the benefits of deep work are worth it. By working deeply, we train our brain to focus better and give ourselves the space to produce our best work. In an age where constant distraction is the norm, scheduling time for deep work can help us achieve levels of productivity and creativity that would otherwise be impossible.

As anyone who has ever tried to focus on a difficult task can attest, boredom is a common obstacle to deep work. In his book Deep Work, Cal Newport argues that we should learn to accept boredom rather than trying to run away from it. He points out that boredom is often a sign that our mind is trying to conserve energy by going into default mode. In this mode, we are not actively engaged in problem solving or creative thinking. However, if we learn to tolerate the feeling of boredom, we can often overcome it and enter a state of flow, where we are fully immersed in our work and able to achieve great things. Although it may be uncomfortable at first, learning to accept boredom can be an important step in unlocking our creative potential.

  • Ditch social media:

In his book “Deep Work,” Cal Newport convincingly explains to readers why they should give up on social media. According to Cal Newport, social media is a major distraction that keeps people from focusing on more important tasks. He claims that the constant need to check for new updates and notifications can disrupt our concentration and make it difficult to do meaningful work. Additionally, Newport suggests that social media is often used as a tool for procrastination, which makes it even harder to get things done. He therefore recommends people to disengage from social media and focus on tasks that require high concentration. By doing so, we can have a more fulfilling professional life and improve our overall productivity.

  • Focus on one task:

In our constantly connected world, it can be difficult to focus on a single task for an extended period of time. We’re bombarded with distractions, from social media notifications to incoming emails, and it can be easy to get sucked into the black hole of multitasking. However, as Cal Newport argues in his book Deep Work, this constant state of distraction actually hurts our productivity. To be truly productive, we must learn to focus on a single task and give it our full attention. Newport offers several tips for doing this, including scheduling regular periods of deep work, removing all distractions, and breaking tasks down into small, manageable steps. By following these tips, we can learn to focus our attention and achieve a higher level of productivity.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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