What is the ideal number of steps per day to stay healthy according to age?

To stay healthy, there is nothing better than walking. But what is the ideal number of steps per day to stay in shape? Besides, this is the best solution that is very simple, inexpensive and accessible. It prevents many chronic diseases.

The ideal number of steps per day to stay healthy

For teenagers, they should be active for about an hour a day. Among the activities to do, we recommend walking, running, cycling, swimming. But the ideal number of steps to stay healthy is to take at least 10,000 a day.. To achieve this, it is simply necessary to include daily physical activities such as walking or cycling to school.

For adults, per week, they are recommended to do at least 150 minutes of physical activity. You can opt for brisk walking, running, swimming, cycling, and strength training. As for the steps, it is necessary to take between 7,000 and 12,000 steps per day. 10,000 steps a day would be ideal for gaining additional health benefits.

Older people should practice 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week. You have the choice between walking, swimming, dancing and strength exercises. In terms of steps, they should take 7000 steps per day. This helps them maintain muscle strength, flexibility and prevents the risk of falls and fractures.

The benefits of walking on the body

Taking steps a day allows you to have good physical and moral health. In addition, physical activities play an important role for the body and against diseases. Concretely, they prevent the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.

But the benefits don’t stop there. Engaging in physical activity also reduces stress and anxiety levels. The benefits of walking are many. Without forgetting that it improves the quality of sleep and helps to keep the line.

Tips for achieving the ideal number of steps to take per day

To reach the goal in number of steps, it would be better to take short walks each day. Why in this case not walk instead of taking the car to do the shopping?

To increase the number of steps, it is also advisable to taking the stairs instead of the elevators or participating in group activities like dancing or hiking.

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