What political leadership… please…

2023-09-07 04:48:00

I was listening to the radio, on Sunday, and –sincerely– most of the political representatives at the national level are sad.

For example, a referent of the ruling Party, could not explain – at the request of the journalist – why the candidate Sergio Masa is not beginning to apply his Government Plan now, to solve the economic disaster, internal security, etc. that we currently live in the country… speechless…

Another case, listening to an LLA referent, when the journalist asked how they were going to fix all the economic disaster, energy subsidies, social plans, etc., etc. she never said anything concrete; only theoretical verbiage of which we Argentines are very badly used.

Days after the LLA presidential candidate, when asked why he was not confronting Mr. Sergio Massa, he limited himself to answering that he was going to do it in the presidential debates… of terror… or is there something hidden that we Argentines don’t know ?

From Together for Change, I also remember that they insistently mentioned that “they have been working for months” but there are not many specific things about what they are going to do and how; I don’t remember your candidate for Finance Minister, Mr. Melconian, citing specific issues to solve the problems of the national economy; In this regard, I only remind my fellow citizens that Mr. Melconian was a candidate for Minister of Economy in the last postulation of Carlos Menem for President of the Nation.

In short, I see that there is everything to not get too excited about what is to come… don’t you think?

Daniel E. Gutierrez


#political #leadership.. #please..

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