what the text that arrives in the Senate contains

2023-07-10 13:40:12

The text provides in particular to set up a more directive monitoring of RSA recipients.

Reduce the rate of unemployment from 7.1% currently to 5%, by 2027. This is the objective that the government wants to achieve by carrying out a vast overhaul of the employment support system, provided for by the bill “for a new society of work and employment” says “Full employment”.

After its passage in the Social Affairs Committee of the Senate, in June, the text will be debated by the senators from this Monday, July 10. In total, 500 amendments will be discussed by Thursday on this text, a priori the last on the agenda of the Senate before the summer break. MEPs will in turn examine it at first reading in the autumn.

A one-stop shop for job seekers

Carried by the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt, the “Full employment” bill should give birth to the France Travail network, including Pôle emploi as the main operator, to better coordinate the actors of the public employment service.

Concretely, it is a question of having the same entry procedure for all people looking for work or encountering integration difficulties, whatever door they knock on. Today only 40% of the beneficiaries of the active solidarity income (RSA) are at Pôle emploi.

A new name for Pôle emploi?

The initial text even provided that Pôle emploi would also be renamed France Travail, from January 1, 2024.

But the social affairs commission amended the text so that Pôle emploi finally kept its name. This initiative carried out by the rapporteur for the text of the law Pascale Gruny (LR) aims to “avoid any confusion” with the France Travail network, of which Pôle emploi is the chief operator.

This will therefore be one of the important points of discussion addressed in the Senate this week.

An employment contract for RSA beneficiaries

Each registered with France Travail will sign “a contract of engagement”, including the recipients of the RSA and the young people followed by the local missions. It is in this context that renewed support for RSA beneficiaries is now being tested in 18 departments with the sensitive issue of 15 to 20 hours of work per week (immersions, refresher courses, CV writing, etc.) .

“True solidarity is helping to get out” of the RSA, pleaded Olivier Dussopt Monday on Public Senate.

The government, which had mentioned 15 to 20 hours of activity, had finally backpedaled on this point. This provision therefore did not appear in the original text. But the senators finally put it back on the table in committee. Thus, in return for the payment of the RSA, the amendment provides for a fixed contract with a weekly duration of at least 15 hours of activity.

Penalties provided

In the same “logic of rights and duties”, the bill makes it easier to implement sanctions for recipients who do not respect their obligations. Before the ax of a radiation – little applied – the payment of the RSA may be temporarily suspended in the event of a breach.

Concretely, if the job seeker does not meet the objectives set by his “employment contract”, the RSA will no longer be paid to him. But the payment may resume once the beneficiary once once more respects his obligations. He may also benefit from retroactive payment of sums not paid.

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In committee, the senators limited to three months of RSA the sums which might thus be paid retroactively. A maximum duration which will also be discussed.

A strong opposition on the left

In addition to the series of amendments tabled in committee which will be discussed in public session on Monday, it is the very principle of the bill which will be the subject of debate within the chamber with a right-wing majority. Two block motions of rejection have been tabled on this text which should see two visions of society clash.

For the environmental group, this text, “which should have been called” full employment at all costs “, reflects the logic of the executive and the presidential minority: to make everyone work, regardless of the type of job”.

“It ignores the social, economic and symbolic violence that this text will inflict on the most vulnerable.”

The Socialists are “deeply opposed to the philosophy of the text”, pointing like the Communists to “a most precarious logic of stigmatization”.

For Pascale Gruny (LR), “full employment can only be achieved on the condition of implementing support giving real content to the rights and duties of job seekers”.

Two other sections on disability and early childhood

In addition to the creation of the France travail network and the reform of the RSA, the text has two other components. One aims to improve the access of people with disabilities to employment in the ordinary environment and the other, on early childhood, recognizes the municipalities as “organizing authorities” of reception, with the mission of identifying needs, inform families and build the offer.

In detail, the bill aims to improve the professional integration into the ordinary environment of people with disabilities. Recognition of the status of disabled worker (RQTH) will now be automatically transmitted to France Travail. A professional project will be determined with the advisers of France Travail, in order to direct the job seeker benefiting from an RQTH towards an ordinary company, if possible, or an adapted company. In addition, the text also intends to align the rights of workers in Esat (establishment and work assistance service) with those of ordinary employees.

Finally, to encourage employment, the government wants to create 100,000 additional childcare places for young children from 2027 to reach 200,000 additional places by 2030. In addition, municipalities with more than 3,500 inhabitants will become the “authorities organizers” of childcare. In particular, they will have to identify needs. An information counter will also be set up in towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants.

#text #arrives #Senate

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