What time is it in Chile? Avoid confusion, check how to adjust the official time on your devices | National

If you woke up this Sunday and you don’t know what the official time is in Chile, at BioBioChile we explain that from 00:00 on this day, the clocks moved forward by one hour (60 minutes) and throughout the national territory, we went to be in summer time. In addition, we explain what is the time zone that you must program in your electronic devices such as cell phones or computers.

As of this Sunday, September 11, In Chile, daylight saving time applies.after the time change made at 00:00 on this day, a change that was scheduled for last September 4.

The advance of the clocks in one hour was moved for this week, so that it does not coincide with the constitutional plebiscite and not cause confusion, however, several users of electronic devices woke up not really knowing what time it was.

What time is it? The time change, today in Chile

If you are still wondering what time it is in Chile, we explain that just at 00:00 this Sunday, September 11, the official time change was made and summer time began to apply in the continental and insular territory.

Specifically, when the clocks struck the appointed time, the clocks moved forward by 60 minutes. Thus, automatically, or manually, they became 1:00 (one in the morning).

Meanwhile, on the Easter Islands (Rapa Nui) and Salas y Gómez, the time change was made at 10:00 p.m. yesterday -Saturday, September 10- when the time was brought forward, until 23:00.

What will be the time zone, after the time change in Chile?

with the time change, continental Chile changed to the UTC -3 time zone and insular Chile to the UTC-5 time zone. This schedule will be maintained until April 1, 2023, when it is switched to winter time.

The exception to this change is the area of ​​Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctic, where summer time is maintained throughout the year, in the UTC – 3 zone.

Recommendations for your electronic devices

To avoid confusion with the time change in Chile, David Iacobucci, commercial director of Cirion Technologies, suggests reviewing personal agendas and emails, and thus avoid delays and lack of coordination in commitments.

In addition, it provides the following recommendations that may be useful to you, when moving to summer time:

1.- In the case of electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, computers and other smart items: if the schedule was automatically modified on September 3, it is important to reset it manually.

To do this, go to the date and time menu in the equipment configuration segment and manually select the time zone UTC-4 (continental Chile) and UTC-6 (island Chile).

Later, at midnight on Saturday 10, you must change the time zone again, this time to the correct time, to the UTC-3 (continental Chile) and UTC-5 (island Chile) zones.

2.- If the calendar of the electronic device is associated with the mail service, it must be verified that the agenda coincides with the correct schedule and not the old one.

3.- To avoid any type of confusion, it is advisable to add the time at which they will be held in the body of the invitations to videoconferences. Also, specify if it is new and old time.

4.- Remember to incorporate the patches provided by the manufacturers of the operating systems of each computer.

5.- Avoid installing software or applications that offer to execute the time change automatically, especially if you do not know the origin.

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