“What to Eat at Night to Lose Belly Fat: Nutritionist-Recommended Tips”

2023-05-23 03:09:05

To lose weight, there is usually nothing else to do but to opt for a healthier and more balanced diet. And this is all the more valid when trying to get rid of the fat that lodges in the abdominal area. This one being the hardest to lose, the only way to increase your chances of seeing it melt is to make some changes to your plate. Every meal of the day must pass there. The idea is not to make overly drastic changes that could put your health at risk, but rather to lay a sounder foundation, which guarantee a sufficient supply of good nutrients, but which limit mass gain. If at breakfast and lunch, it is usually best to fill up on vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates to have energy throughout the day, in the evening it is recommended to eat light.

What should you eat at night to lose weight?

So, as we learn I’m interestedaccording to nutritionists, the ideal evening meal should consist of exactly 50g of protein (fish, shellfish, white meat, etc.) and vegetables, which we prefer cooked than raw, easier to digest. On the other hand, we avoid as much as possible foods that are too sweet, fried, or even alcoholic beverages, which will not help you lose belly fat, in addition to causing you other intestinal disorders. However, avoiding does not mean doing without it altogether. A crack is never forbidden, when you know how to show moderation.

For dessert, nutrition experts recommend finishing dinner with a dairy(cottage cheese, natural yoghurt, skyr…) or by fruits, which will act as natural appetite suppressants. We finish with a cup of herbal tea before bedtime, to purify the body, stimulate digestion and promote relaxation. To observe results, note that these tips go hand in hand with the practice of regular physical activity which will help you build muscle in your abdominal area.

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