What You Don’t Know About Stroke And The Warning Signs Even If You’re Young

brain attack It is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, a stroke occurs when blood supply to part of the brain is blocked or if a blood vessel in the brain ruptures, in either case, it can cause significant damage to parts of the brain, impairing body functions, leading to It can lead to disability and even cause death in some cases, and in this report we learn about the warning signs of a stroke .. even if you are young, according to the “Times of India” website.

What are the global incidence of stroke?

Globally, 13.7 million people will have their first stroke this year and 5 and a half million will die as a result, according to the World Stroke Organization.

Does the risk of stroke increase as you age?

Moreover, without proper action, the number of annual deaths could rise to 6.7 million annually. Like many other chronic diseases, the risk of stroke increases as you age.

The American Stroke Association says that every 10 years after age 55, a person’s risk of having a stroke roughly doubles.

What are the warning signs of a stroke?

A stroke or TIA occurs when blood flow to the brain is briefly stopped and resumed. The way it appears may look similar to a stroke, but it goes away within 24 hours without causing much damage.

According to reports, 1 in 3 people who have a pre-stroke stroke will eventually have a stroke, which is why it is so important to note any sign that links themselves to a major stroke or stroke.

What are the warning signs for early detection of stroke risk?

Weakness/numbness in the face, arms or legs

Double vision in one or both eyes

– vertigo

– unclear

Difficulty understanding others

– loss of balance

What is the rapid test for strokes?

Experts from the National Stroke Association and the American Heart Association use the acronym FAST To detect early signs of stroke, it is also used by many other public health officials to recognize stroke symptoms. However, the FAST Means:

– sagging face

Arm weakness

Speech difficulties

– Time

It is important to seek medical help when you notice these signs.

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