What you need to know to avoid taking risks with heating

With low temperatures, it is essential to clean a hot-cold heater or air conditioner, not only to maintain the equipment but also for the health risks of a malfunction.

“Poor combustion from a heater that is not well ventilated produces carbon monoxide. This can cause fatal poisoning,” said Horacio Jorge Montero, president of the Río Negro Association of Gas, Water, and Sanitary Installers.

The registered gas operator remarked that it should be verified that the flame of gas appliances (stove, heater, stove, hot water tank, water heater) is always blue, silent and stable. If the flame has a red, orange or yellow hue and crackles, it means that combustion is not taking place properly.

Due to the way they interact with the environment, heaters can be divided into: natural draft or balanced draft. The latter are the only ones authorized to be installed in bedrooms and bathrooms. This is due to the fact that the burned gases are expelled directly to the outside.
On the other hand, natural draft heaters have a single conduit for the elimination of burned gases, the oxygen for combustion is taken from the environment, for this reason they are not recommended or authorized to be installed in closed places.

The maintenance

Montero commented that $8,300 is being charged for cleaning an artifact. “We are working with the values ​​for March that we are updating with the cost of living, increase in the dollar, fuel,” he said.
He explained that the heater is removed from where it is installed, it is disassembled, “everything is blown and greased again. If there are damaged parts, they are changed, such as glass, the thermocouple is checked, if everything works, it is reassembled, it is screwed on and it is left firm, ”he explained.
In the case of balanced draft, a rigorous inspection is necessary because “In winter when you are working as they do not have an air filter, all the air that circulates in the environment ends up in the burner or in the combustion chamber of the device.”
All gas appliances must be installed and checked by a licensed gas fitter.

Maintenance is key to avoiding carbon monoxide poisoning. Photo Andres Maripe

Polluted air

Regarding the cleaning of the hot-cold air conditioners, it is also advisable to go to a registered refrigeration technician for the product guarantee and to have good maintenance.
Values ​​range from $10,000 to $25,000 depending on the work to be done
The teams collect a lot of humidity inside, in the filters and also internally, where incest sometimes arrives. This means the presence of polluting particles and the air that comes out can affect the inhabitants of the house.
The procedure also involves measuring the gas pressure and checking for any leaks. The price of maintenance varies in this part because some types of gas are more expensive than others.


In Roca, cleaning a heater is around $8,300 and the cost is similar in Cipolletti-Neuquén.
In Bariloche Patricia Carriqueo, president of the Civil Association of Registered Gasistas of the Andean Region (A CGMa.RA) pointed out that the rate ranges from $8,000 to $12,000.
On the other hand, cleaning air conditioners in the Alto Valle costs from $8,000 to $25,000 depending on the type of maintenance.
In the Andean zone, hot-cold air equipment is not abundant, since electricity is more expensive. Many even choose the wood heating system such as salamanders and Russian stoves.

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