WhatsApp: these are the smartphones on which it will stop working at the end of the month

While WhatsApp works on new features for the next versions of the application, announced that as of October it will stop providing support and updates to its service in a list of more than 20 smartphone models from four of the main brands.

Although it is worth clarifying that the application will not be deleted and users will still be able to access their contacts and conversations, those who continue to use the app on certain devices will be exposed to security breaches and eventual hacks.

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As reported by WhatsApp, the mobile devices that will stop receiving updates and support from September 30 are those that have an Android operating system with a version prior to 4.0.1 and iPhones that do not have the iOS12 update.

The WhatsApp warning does not mean that you will lose access to your chats or contacts, but old cell phones will not be officially supported. (Photo:Pixabay)

The list of computers on which it will not be convenient to use WhatsApp It is made up of phones that have been on the market for several years, that are no longer sold and that very few people are probably using.

In any case, it is recommended check the models of your devices to make sure you can install the latest version of WhatsApp.

The list of smartphones on which WhatsApp will stop working:

Modelos: Galaxy Ace 2, Galaxy Core, Galaxy Trend Lite, Galaxy Trend II, Galaxy S3 mini y Galaxy Xcover 2

Models: Lucid 2, Optimus F7, Optimus L3 II Dual, Optimus F5, Optimus L5 II, Optimus L5 II Dual, Optimus L3 II, Optimus L7 II Dual, Optimus L7 II, Optimus F6, Enact, Optimus L4 II Dual, Optimus F3 , LG Optimus L4 II, Optimus L2 II and Optimus F3Q.

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Modelos: Ascend, Ascend G740 y Ascend Mate.

Modelos: iPhone SE, iPhone 6S y iPhone 6S Plus.

Sony Xperia M, Lenovo A820 y ZTE Grand S Flex.

The reasons why WhatsApp stops providing support on these smartphone models

To keep the app secure, WhatsApp constantly needs install updates that improve the service and the platform. In addition, they allow to avoid problems in its operation and that hackers can access the accounts to steal data.

Many of these updates they cannot be installed on cell phones with old operating systems, leaving the device open to possible attacks by cybercriminals.

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For these reasons, WhatsApp stops providing support on smartphones with OS that do not have the minimum security measures for your app to work properly.

This does not mean that from one day to the next, WhatsApp does not work or that you cannot access your chats and contacts. But for the reasons mentioned it is not recommended to continue using it and WhatsApp directly suggests uninstalling it from those cell phones.

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